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The Copleston Journey - A timeline

We provide a comprehensive programme of support for Copleston students from before they arrive at school until after they leave and embark on their university courses and careers. This page is designed to give an outline of what to expect at each stage and where to find resources to support you in other areas of the website. If you require further information during or about any stage in your child's education, please contact their form tutor or Leader of Learning who will be happy to provide guidance. 

Click on the headings below to read more about each stage of the Copleston journey:


The journey begins with our Open Evening, held in early October each year. Dates and times can be found on our school calendar and are communicated to local primary schools. This is your first opportunity to learn about everything we offer, to ask questions, meet staff and students and tour our fabulous campus. We also offer tours on Friday mornings, giving parents the opportunity to experience the calm, purposeful atmosphere of a normal school day. Click here to book a tour (via Eventbrite website). 

Details of how to apply for secondary school places can be found on the Suffolk County Council website, along with application deadlines and offer dates. We also provide further information on our Admissions Information page. If your child is offered a place at Copleston, the transition process will begin and continues throughout the spring and summer term. This will include visits by Copleston staff to your child's school followed by an exciting induction programme in the summer term in which students visit Copleston for two days, alongside information evenings for parents and an enhanced induction programme for students who may need additional support. Throughout the induction, we will provide information about the curriculum, uniform requirements, the school day, homework, behaviour and rewards, catering and everything you and your child will need to know before starting. 

We hope excitement will build and students will arrive at Copleston in September enthused about their secondary school experience, and armed with knowledge about what to expect and what it means to be a part of the very special Copleston community and ready to embrace our core values


Year 7 is the first year of Key Stage Three and the start of the main Copleston journey. On arrival on their first day, students should feel well looked after and will receive a comprehensive induction programme to help them feel settled and ready to begin lessons. We will help them find their way around our large school and support them with practical things like how to read their timetables, how and where to queue for food at our many catering outlets at lunchtimes and familiarity with our school ICT systems, behaviour and rewards, homework and the structure of the school day

Students will complete some simple baseline assessments in their early weeks at school, will have regular assessments throughout the year and end of year exams in some subjects in the summer term. You can find out more about the subjects they will study on our Curriculum pages. 

In Year 7, students stay in school on Wednesday afternoons to be part of our exciting WOW programme, during which they choose from a wide range of sports, crafts, games and other activities. What we offer changes from year to year, but the choices available will be explained to students within their first few days and they will make their choices. There are many additional clubs and extracurricular activities for students to be involved with at other times, including music ensembles and tuition, sports teams and special interest clubs such as coding and science club. Students will receive information about these in their first few days and weeks. They may also have the opportunity for trips and visits and can look forward to our hugely popular inclusive annual sports day, now famous for the inflatable assault courses! 

During tutor time, students study the first year of our 4-year BASE programme, begin work on their I Aspire challenges and complete our Race to 50 attendance challenge. They also learn key facts and a termly poem in our fun "Intervention by Interaction" challenge and will have regular assemblies with their Leader of Learning or a member of our Senior Leadership Team. All Year 7 tutor groups are positioned together in a designated area of the school so students will be situated close to their friends from other tutor groups and can develop a sense of community.

Early in the year, parents are invited to an information evening. During the year, there is also an online parents evening for parents to meet each of their child's teachers and discuss their progress in lessons. There is also an exciting Celebration Evening in the summer term for each year group, during which students, parents and staff gather to celebrate our students' academic progress, extra-curricular achievements, high levels of attendance, top numbers of golden tickets, satchel badges and progress with the "I Aspire" award. Parents also receive two sets of subject reports. 

Year 8

Year 8 is the second and final year of Key Stage Three. Students build on the knowledge developed in Year 7 and although they will often keep the same form tutor, their class teachers and groups will change between Years 7 and 8 and they will have a new Leader of Learning. They will find that most of the familiar routines of Year 7 will continue into Year 8 so settling into a new year should be relatively straightforward. 

In Year 8, students may have the opportunity for their first residential trip. Last year, students travelled to Dorset in the summer half term for a watersports and outdoor activity holiday, sleeping under canvas, and making memories to last a lifetime! 

During the spring term, students begin the Pathways Programme. This is when they receive guidance and preparation to choose their GCSE options. Students will complete a programme of preparation activities during the BASE programme, learning more about their strengths and linking these to possible careers. They will receive guidance as to the choices available to them, and parents and students will be invited to attend a Pathways Evening to be given more information about the process, after which they will make their options choices. 

End of year examinations will help staff to place students into appropriate groups for their GCSE courses, and as with Year 7, we hold a Parents' Information Evening, Parents Consultation Evening and a Celebration Evening during the year. Parents also receive two sets of subject reports. 

Year 9 

Year 9 is the first year of Key Stage Four, when students begin their GCSE courses. At Copleston, we have a 3-year GCSE programme, giving students the maximum amount of learning time to help them achieve the highest grades they are capable of. We provide all students with knowledge organisers to support their independent study and many departments offer additional online or printed resources. It is important to support your child in developing effective study habits early in their courses, beyond simply completing any set homework. This will make their final GCSE revision so much easier and less stressful. 

During Year 9, students have timetabled lessons in "Copleston Culture". This is a unique course which is based around reading a set text together as a class and using this as a basis to explore important themes such as equality and diversity as well as developing their literacy skills and a love of reading. Students also continue with other compulsory subjects in addition to their GCSE courses such as non-exam PE and PSHE

Students may have the opportunity for an overseas residential course in the summer half term. Last year, students went to the Ardeche region, where they kayaked down the river and camped out under the stars! Students may also choose to begin working towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. 

Students will complete regular assessments which will inform teachers of their progress but will also get students used to the style of GCSE exams. They will complete end of year exams in most subjects during the summer term. There will be a Parents' Information Evening, Parents' Consultation Evening and a Celebration Evening during the year. Parents also receive two sets of subject reports. 

Year 10

By Year 10, students should be used to the expectations of their GCSE courses, so this year should be a continuation of this. Whilst some of their teachers and groups won't change, students should be prepared for changes in some subjects. 

During Year 10, students have the opportunity to complete a week of work experience. Students receive guidance during the year about how to apply for and arrange placements and are encouraged to explore the types of work experience most suited to their career choices. They will complete their work experience during the second half of the summer term. 

In addition to regular in-class assessments, students complete formal mock examinations in Year 10 to give them a taste of real GCSE exam papers. They will receive guidance as to how to prepare for these. As in previous years, there will be a Parents' Information Evening, Parents' Consultation Evening and a Celebration Evening during the year. Parents also receive two sets of subject reports. 

During the summer term, students have the opportunity to apply for our Student Leader programme. This involves an application and short interview, with students demonstrating that they are committed, hardworking and ready to take on the challenge of becoming a leader and a role model for our younger students. A small number of students are also chosen to be prefects and to lead a team of Student Leaders. 

Year 11

Year 11 is a hugely important and busy year, and the level of engagement and independent study students have demonstrated in Years 9 and 10 will inevitably have an impact on their success this year. Students will notice some changes in their daily school routines and an increase in study expectations. 

During tutor time, students no longer complete the BASE programme, but are instead placed into subject intervention forms chosen to support them in the subjects they either need more help in or are aspiring to achieve the highest grades. The choice of form group is made by the year team and SMT and is reviewed at several points during the year. To maximise learning time during this part of the day, students have a slightly earlier start than other year groups. Within tutor time, students also receive support and guidance to support them with post-16 choices and revision skills and they also complete PSHE work at set times to support their personal development. 

Once students have settled into their Year 11 courses, they also begin our unique "period 6" revision programme to extend the school day and provide free expert exam tuition. These are focused revision sessions run by subject specialists and are mostly delivered in exam venues and include exam practice and tips, key knowledge and model answers. 

In late September, Year 11 students are invited to our Sixth Form Open Evening where they begin to explore what we can offer them post-16. Although we encourage students to stay on for Sixth Form and are very proud of what we can offer students, we also provide unbiased careers support and ensure they understand the range of options available to them if our courses are not suitable or if they wish to study elsewhere. Students can attend taster sessions in a range of A level subjects during designated tutor time sessions. Students are guided through the application process and if applying to Copleston, they are invited for an informal interview/discussion before receiving their offers, to help ensure they are choosing suitable courses.

During the year, students complete two sets of mock examinations and a set of exam walk-throughs, all in exam venues. They also receive additional revision support including a valuable motivational session delivered by external providers MaximiseYP. Parents receive two sets of reports, there is an information evening and parents' consultation evening as with other years, but selected students may also be invited for an additional raising achievement evening where they are given support to boost their attainment. 

Student Leaders support with key school events and there are further opportunities to be involved in DofE, I Aspire challenges and all the usual extra-curricular activities offered by the school. Time management in Year 11 is important, but we also recognise the importance of wellbeing and the need for an effective work-life balance. 

Students stay in school until most of their exams are completed before moving to flexible study until the exam season is complete. They celebrate the end of exam season with a much-anticipated prom night and those applying to Sixth Form also return to school for an induction day in July, including an introduction to some engaging pre-A level activities for each subject and a very popular barbecue on the Sixth Form terrace! 

Students return in August for results day, which we hope will be an exciting day of celebration for the majority of our students and the staff who have worked with them! Many of our students will return for Sixth Form, but we support all students in ensuring their post-16 destinations are the most appropriate ones for them. 

Year 12 (Sixth Form)

Year 12 is the first year of Sixth Form, in which students begin their A level courses. Students receive a comprehensive programme of induction to support them with the leap from GCSE to A level and we ensure that any students joining from other schools are made to feel welcome and have extra opportunities to meet with one another and to form new friendships. Any course changes are usually sorted early in the first couple of weeks and students settle into new routines.

Most students choose to study three A levels with a very small number taking four. Students are given support with how best to use their study periods and we provide a range of study areas, some of which are for silent working whilst others allow students to collaborate. We expect students to be in school during their study periods. 

During tutor time, students complete the APEX programme. This is a bespoke programme of enrichment activities designed to expose students to the key practical skills and knowledge adults wish they had learned at school such as personal finance, mental health, relationships and world issues. This is extended into timetabled enrichment lessons where they explore some of the key skills and knowledge in more depth. Students also have the opportunity to be involved in overseas trips and visits and can be part of Team Six, which is similar to the Student Leadership scheme of Year 11, but encouraging a greater level of independence in terms of the activities and causes they promote. 

Students complete regular in-class assessments throughout the year as well as formal mock exams in exam venues. Parents receive two reports per year and attend an information evening and a parents' consultation evening. 


In Year 13, students continue with their A level courses, including two sets of formal mock examinations. Many subjects offer additional lunchtime or after-school revision or booster sessions. 

Early in Year 13 (or sooner for those applying for Medicine, Veterinary Sciences or Dentistry), students are supported to begin their UCAS applications. This is a guided process, with additional support with practical issues such as how to apply for student finance. Those choosing not to go on to higher education courses are supported to apply to the top apprenticeships or other career routes. We also support students through the interview process to help maximise their chances of earning a place on the courses they aspire to. 

Students are invited to apply for "Head prefect" positions (similar to the old-style "head boy/girl" roles) which are highly respected roles within the school giving them the opportunity to represent Copleston at school events and to work with our Sixth Form Team and Senior Leadership Team. 

Following an intense exam season in the summer, students celebrate with a well-attended prom night, and gather one final time to collect their exam results in August.


Although the formal end of the Copleston journey, we hope that A Level Results Day will not be our final contact with students. We support students through the clearing process if needed and have also offered additional support to students who decide to rethink their university or career options. We keep in touch with our alumni via LinkedIn and are very happy to invite students back to speak about their career journeys. We also hope that students will stay in touch with us via our social media platforms. Many of our students go on to send their own children to Copleston in the years ahead, and reminisce fondly about their time here whenever they return. 

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