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Physical Education

PE, as a department, feel passionately that it isn't just about the elite representing the school and competing once or twice a year but about all students taking up opportunities, demonstrating a consistent approach and giving up their time to better themselves and positively represent Copleston.  The PE curriculum therefore allows us to recognise and develop our committed sports stars and provide a pathway into both recreational and competitive sports.  We celebrate students' ability and approach in the form of “Copleston Sports Achievement Awards”.  We hope the broad range of activities we offer are an inspiration to all and it will drive students to achieve at every level.

Numbers taking GCSE PE are always high and students achieve fantastic results with many going on to take A level sports studies and degrees in Further Education.

Curriculum Maps

The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps:

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map

Key Stage 5 Curriculum Map

How will my child be assessed?


Assessment and Feedback Outline Approach


5 units of practical PE are taught per year group. Each one is assessed against GCSE PE criteria in regard to skills and application to games/performance. These are subjective on going assessments but completed at the end of a block of work.


2 units per year have a formal summative assessment which on the theoretical aspects of PE that related to GCSE topics. These have short answer questions and 1 longer prose. They peer assessed initially then moderated by the staff.


During practical activities there is time for plenty of peer and self-assessment.



Year 9, 10 & 11 - Each topic delivered has an end of unit test which receives detailed written feedback. We set longer answer questions for both homework and during class time that received detailed feedback.

Mock exams in Year 10 and 11 also have detailed written feedback. In addition, key 9 mark questions are identified and time given to go over with scaffolding provided when necessary. Mark schemes and model answers are used at this point.


Stater activities involved 10 minute quizzes.


Exam questions in class and homework are used throughout the years with peer assessment a major part of the learning process.

Practical assessment in summative, subjective process


As above except practical assessment is a formative process at the end of unit based upon exam focus. Duo, trios and set study work maybe attempted during this time.


Detailed assessment occurs during written work which is varies between long and short questions at the end of each unit.


Mock exams for each year are detailed and have DIRT with in the process.



Shorts answer questions are performed as starter tasks with peers marking each other’s work from marks schemes.


End of unit tests are performed early in Year 12 to assess initial understanding and aptitude for the course.


Mock exam are mark in detailed with DIRT as large part of the process alongside mark schemes and model answers.


As above except practical assessment is a formative process at the end of unit based upon exam focus. Duo, trios and set study work maybe attempted during this time.


Detailed assessment occurs during written work which is varies between long and short questions at the end of each unit.


Mock exams for each year are detailed and have DIRT with in the process.


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