The School Day
See below for an outline of the current timings of our school day:
8.25 - 8.30
Students line up in designated year group areas for key messages from Leaders of Learning and SLT.
8.30 - 8.45
Registration and Tutor time including BASE, APEX or intervention programmes, Race to 50 (attendance challenge), assemblies and work towards "I Aspire" award scheme.
Period 1
Period 2
Morning Break
11.10 - 12.15
Period 3
12.15 - 13.00
Lunchtime. Students have access to a range of eating areas and outdoor spaces.
13.00 - 14.05
Period 4
14.05 - 15.10
Period 5*
N.B On Wednesdays all students finish at 2.05pm to complete WOW activities if they have signed up to do so. This slot is then structured professional learning time for all staff.