All students are required to wear school uniform and parents/carers are expected to ensure that their children leave home for school correctly dressed.
We do appreciate that we need to recognise the current cost of living crisis and to that end we will accept the following items as part of the main school uniform in order to lessen the cost upon families:
- A plain white polo shirt can be purchased from other retailers
- Grey, tailored trousers can be purchased from other retailers, but they must match our school grey. (Black or charcoal coloured trousers cannot be worn)
- All school trousers must be worn at the waist, and a belt should be used if necessary.
Please also note the following uniform requirements:
- Sweatshirts must be branded with the school logo
- All footwear must be black
- Trainers may be worn but must be all black and not have coloured logos
No other sweatshirt or jumper is to be worn in or to school. Coats, when necessary, should be worn in addition to the school sweatshirt and not to replace it.
Extremes of fashion in hairstyles (including shaving), earrings or shoes should be avoided. Nose studs or similar are not permitted at any time nor is any “bedding in” period allowed. Your son/daughter will be sent home to remove such items if necessary.
Uniform items are listed below:
- White polo shirt
- Maroon Sweatshirt with logo
- Plain Grey trousers (see above)
- Black shoes
- Socks should be plain
The following uniform is acceptable:
- Polo shirt + school sweatshirt + coat
- Polo shirt + school sweatshirt
- Polo shirt
- Discreet jewellery
- Discreet make up in Years 10 + 11
- Student Leader or Student Council Hoodies if a student has this position in the school
The following are NOT acceptable:
Polo shirt and coat
- Any other non-uniform sweatshirt
- Non-Black Footwear
- Backless Shoes
- Boots
- Leggings or Jeggings
- Skirts
- Tight Trousers / Skinny Jeans
- Hats
- Facial piercings of any kind (including nose studs)
- Multiple earrings
- Shorts
- Snoods or other scarves that cover the mouth, and nose cannot be worn on the school site
The following clothing items are banned from the school premises and on school visits:
- Bandanas
- Hooded sweatshirts (except those worn by Student Leaders, prefects and sports captains)
- Jewellery must be discreet (including hoop earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets and nose studs) – see below for detail)
- Heavy make-up (if make-up is to be worn it MUST be minimal) – see below for detail
- Nail varnish or nail gels see below for detail
*These banned items are subject to change, please see the school website
Extremes in hairstyle are to be avoided. Hair should not be dyed any non-natural colour, i.e. pink, blue, green etc. and students must not have patterns shaved into their hair. Long hair must be tied up for PE and all other practical subjects.
If makeup is worn, must be discrete and unobtrusive. Heavy makeup is not allowed – this includes false eyelashes and eyelash extensions.
Coloured nail polish, gel nails, acrylics and extensions are not permitted. Students will be asked to removed makeup/nails which contravene our school policy.
Students may wear a watch (but not a smart watch) and one stud earring in each ear. Earrings should fit close to the ear; no hoops, drops or expanders. Bracelets, rings and necklaces are not permitted. No facial piercings or other jewellery are permitted. All jewellery must be removed for PE.
Supplier links:
The following links will take you to our supplier websites. Any leaflets or flyers provided by them will be uploaded to our Admissions Page
Coes: https://www.coes.co.uk/pages/copleston-high-school
PMG: https://pmgschoolwear.co.uk/school/coplestonhighschool
PMG Uniform Offer Day - Copleston 2024
PMG - HOW TO BUY UNIFORMPMG - Polo Shirt Offer Copleston 2024Coes BTS Flyer 2024Coes BTS Offer 2024Coes uniform pricelist May 2024