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 Curriculum Maps

The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps:

key stage 3 curriculum map

key stage 4 curriculum map

key stage 5 curriculum map

Year 7 

Click here to view the year 7 assessment matrix

 Year 8

What Will I Learn?

I will further develop an understanding of the key elements of music; beat, rhythm, pitch, melody, chords and harmony

How Will I Be Assessed?

I will write a reflection on what I have learned at the end of each lesson and this will be assessed by my teacher at least once per half term.
In addition to this I may also be assessed through verbal feedback and peer assessment.

What Different Types of Activities Will I Do Over Time to Help Me Learn?

I will explore music through a combination of performance, composition and listening. I will use a range of instruments to achieve this including melodic percussion, guitars, keyboards, samba drums and ICT.

How Will This Help Me to Progress to the Next Year or Key Stage?

Regularly rehearse to develop the improved musical skills. 

Year 9

What Will I Learn?

I will begin to link the key elements of music to GCSE style activities to prepare me for Year 10.

How Will I Be Assessed?

I will write a reflection on what I have learned at the end of each lesson and this will be assessed by my teacher at least once per half term.
In addition to this I may also be assessed through verbal feedback and peer assessment.

What Different Types of Activities Will I Do Over Time to Help Me Learn?

I will explore music through a combination of performance, composition and listening. I will use a range of instruments to achieve this including melodic percussion, guitars, keyboards and increasingly ICT. I will also do more focused listening with GCSE style questions.

How Will This Help Me to Progress to the Next Year or Key Stage?

More GCSE style tasks to help prepare for Year 10.

Year 10

What Will I Learn?

How to plan and write a composition that fits a given brief and then, how to appraise it.
How to plan and rehearse a solo performance, ready to be recorded during the year.
Learn how to identify the key elements of music aurally.

How Will I Be Assessed?

The Composition and Appraisal coursework and is externally by AQA
The Solo Performance is internally assessed
Mock  Listening exam

What Different Types of Activities Will I Do Over Time to Help Me Learn?

Composition exercises, including improvisation, pastiche, conventional notation and the use of multi-tracking facilities on ICT
Work with instrument tutors throughout the year
Weekly listening exercises.

How Will This Help Me to Progress to the Next Year or Key Stage?

First Unit completed and assessed – allowing time for another attempt.
Second Unit completed and assessed – allowing time for another attempt.
Mock exam will provide evidence of progress at this stage.

Year 11

What Will I Learn?

How to plan and compose a second piece in a style of your choice.
How to plan and rehearse an ensemble performance, ready to be recorded during the year.
Continue to hone your aural perception skills to GCSE level.

How Will I Be Assessed?

All solo and ensemble performance coursework is internally assessed
The Year 11 composition is internally assessed
Aural perception is assessed by public examination in June

What Different Types of Activities Will I Do Over Time to Help Me Learn?

Analysis, improvisation, planning, notation and composition with or without ICT
Performance work with instrument  tutors and/or with ensembles within or outside school
Weekly listening exercises.

How Will This Help Me to Progress to the Next Year or Key Stage?

The skills required for GCSE Music make it an ideal qualification for students wishing to progress to BTEC  Music level 3, A Level Music and A level Music Technology.

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