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Copleston High School

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Wellbeing & Safeguarding

One of our key priorities at Copleston is for our students to be healthy, happy and ready to learn. We understand that young people can face many short and long-term difficulties both within and outside school and we are committed to supporting them and to signposting students and their parents to appropriate support. We offer a wide range of early help to support students and their families who may be experiencing a range of difficulties and we incorporate many aspects of mental and physical health and wellbeing into PSHE, tutor time, assemblies and other areas of the curriculum. All staff complete mandatory safeguarding training and undertake a range of additional training sessions, both in-person and online, as appropriate to their job roles.

Staff wellbeing is also important and the school recognises that staff may face their own difficulties. We have a wide range of strategies in place to support staff wellbeing 

On these pages you can learn more about the support we provide in school as well as accessing links and resources to support parents, students and staff. 

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