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Examinations Information

Welcome to the Copleston High School Examinations Home Page. From this location we hope to provide a "one stop shop" for all our student's examination needs.

Resources will include links to useful and trusted revision sites, frequently asked questions (FAQ), timetables and other general information which will assist through this important time.

View our latest exam results

View the national performance Tables

Examination Timetables 2025

You can view the examination timetables for 2025 as either a pdf or a spreadsheet. Students will be issued with individual timetables later in the year. 

Skeleton timetable 2025

Skeleton timetable 2025 - excel file

Important Information

Information for candidates  (Controlled Assessment) 

Information for candidates   (Coursework)

Information for candidates  (Non-Exam Assessment)

Information for candidates - Onscreen Tests
Information for candidates - Privacy Notice
Information for candidates - Social Media

Information for candidates - Written ExamsWarning-to-Candidates



Exams office staff

Exams Officer: Mr D Shorten

Phone: 01473 277240 Ext 725

Exam Office Staff: Sarah Randall

Phone: 01473 277240 Ext 726

Examination FAQs

How do I know when my son/daughter has an exam?

They have all been issued with a personalised timetable by the exams office

When do the students need to arrive at the exam venue and how do they know where to go?

They need to be at the exam venue 15mins before the published start time of the exams. In the morning exams usually start at 9.00AM so students need to be outside the venue at 8.45AM. The venue is on the published exam timetable and every student has a copy of this. Alternatively there is a copy available on the school website.

How do students know where to sit in the exam hall?

Every student has a candidate number and the tables are labelled with these numbers. Students MUST make sure they know this number. There are always plenty of staff available in the exam hall to help students find their seats. Students can go to the exams office and find out their candidate number at any time leading up to or during the exams period and it is on their personalised timetable.

What happens if my son/daughter is late for an exam?

If a student knows they are going to arrive late they must make contact with the exams office immediately. We make every effort to contact home if a student does not arrive for an exam. 

What do the students need to wear to exams?

Year 10 and 11 students must wear full school uniform including school shoes. 

Are students allowed to leave the exam room early?

NO! Students who finish early are not allowed to leave and must spend the time checking their script and continuing to abide by the rules of the exam board. Students who doodle/graffiti on their scripts run the risk of the exam board disqualifying them from the exam. 

Are the students allowed to take phones into the exam room?

No electronic equipment is allowed with the students at their desk. If they are found with electronic equipment the exam board has the right to disqualify them from the exam and possibly all other exams they have taken. Students should leave electronic equipment at home if possible or make sure it is switched off and placed in a numbered phone box for which they will be given a receipt for collection at the end of the exam. 

Are students allowed to take food or water in to an exam?

We recommend that students have a bottle of water on their desks. They should however have removed the label before entering the exam venue. A few quiet sweets are allowed. 

What equipment does my son/daughter need to bring to the exam?

Students must write with a black biro pen in all exams. They will also need pencils, erasers, a ruler, compass and calculator (maths and other subjects as well) which must be in a clear bag or pencil case. Students who do not arrive with the correct equipment will face delays and may be disadvantaged as they may not be familiar with equipment they have borrowed.

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