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Copleston High School

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Enrichment and Supercurriculum

Much of our knowledge and ideas about the world we live in and the issues we face comes from outside of the classroom. Many departments offer clubs and events including visiting speakers and trips.  We also offer residential trips for different year groups and these have recently included Sixth Form trips to New York and Iceland, and Lower School trips to France and Spain. We also offer WOW or "What's on Wednesdays"  - a name chosen by our students for our programme of activities on a Wednesday afternoon. 

Our Year 10 students have the opportunity to complete work experience, which returned in 2023 after a break due to COVID-19. This enables them to gain a valuable insight into the world of work, and many students are able to select or organise placements directly related to their chosen career path. More details on this for students and employers can be found in the Careers and Work Experience section of our website.
We also have a fantastic form time programme that takes the student away from the classroom and allows them to explore life beyond the curriculum - The BASE and The APEX are a uniquely designed set of activities that the form tutor delivers looking at issues of personal, national and international importance through film, reading and discussion.  In addition to this, our Copleston Culture programme studied by all Year 9 students is a unique chance for students to explore, discuss and learn about the broader world and important issues. Students will read fiction and non-fiction and share and develop their individual views on race, immigration, class systems, gender, discrimination and learn about political systems and ideologies as well as discover art, history and music that was inspired by such ideas and movements.  

To help broaden your child's experiences and offer valuable insights into a variety of topics and areas, each subject has come up with a huge wealth of resources ranging from websites, webcam videos, Podcasts, suggestions for research and further reading and many other activities. This is our super-curriculum. Students enjoy going beyond what they are learning in the classroom and expanding their horizons. A sample of our super-curriculum documents are included below. 

We have collated all our Enrichment activities into a booklet which you can download and read here. 

Enrichment Activities

You can also click on the links below to experience some fantastic online resources. 

Chester Zoo virtual zoo - https://www.chesterzoo.org/virtual-zoo/ Home learning with Royal Shakespeare Company - https://www.rsc.org.uk/education/about-rsc-education/home-learning-with-the-rscStonehenge virtual tour - https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/stonehenge/history-and-stories/stonehenge360/Buckingham Palace virtual tour - https://www.royal.uk/virtual-tours-buckingham-palaceNatural History museum tour - https://www.nhm.ac.uk/visit/virtual-museum.htmlScience museum tour and activities - https://www.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/explore-our-museums-at-home/  &  https://learning-resources.sciencemuseum.org.uk/Louvre Virtual tours - https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligneNational Theatre at home - https://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/nt-at-homeRed Rose Chain film Friday - https://redrosechain.com/film-friday/Courtauld Gallery virtual tour - https://courtauld.ac.uk/gallery/about/3d-gallery-virtual-tourHabit of Art online performances - https://www.originaltheatreonline.com/Dance East home dance classes - https://www.danceeast.co.uk/get-dancing/home-dance/BBC Culture in Quarantine - https://www.bbc.co.uk/artsUniversity virtual open days - https://www.ucas.com/ucas/events/find/scheme/virtual-and-digital?keywords=

  1. English Supercurriculum A Level
  2. A Level Lit Supercurricular
  3. Element Research
  4. Year 8 Supercurriculum Booklet v2
  5. Year 9 Supercurriculum Booklet v2
  6. Year 7 Supercurriculum Booklet v2
  7. Art Supercurriculum A Level
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