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Copleston High School

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A big part of safeguarding is to make sure that our students know how to keep themselves and others safe. We do lots of work with students through assemblies and PSHE to raise their awareness of the need and also develop their ability to be safe. Anti-bullying and online safety are just two areas that we have addressed with students this year.

We know that parents want to be actively involved in knowing how to keep their sons and daughters safe and that’s why we have put relevant up to date links in the Useful Links section of our website to give you access to information and resources that may help.

The following very helpful factsheet produced by Suffolk County Council gives information about safe use of a number of different online platforms. To download a full version of the factsheet, please scroll down to the link below. 

Keeping Safe Online - A Guide for Parents and Teachers

If you are concerned about your child's online activity please click the CEOP button below:





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