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Wellbeing Resources for Students

Your wellbeing both within and outside school is really important to us. We want you to be well, happy and safe. Your time at secondary school should be a fantastic experience as you make new friends, strengthen existing friendships and develop your sense of self. However, being a teenager can also be difficult as you learn to navigate new emotions or feelings and physical changes, as well as perhaps dealing with difficult life events whilst keeping up with exams and school work. We want you to know that there are always people available who can help. You can speak to any member of staff in school and although we cannot promise to keep what you tell us a secret, we can promise that we will do everything we can to help. 


If you are ever alone and urgently need somebody to talk to because you feel upset, scared or unsafe, you can call Childline on 0800 1111. This won't show up on your phone bill. 
If you or another person are in danger and need emergency help, remember that you can dial 999


  • Breakfast Club – please contact your Leader of Learning for information.
  • We also have a Well-being Consultant – she works 2 days a week and there is a formal referral system accessed through your Leader of Learning.
  • We have signed up for stopping ‘period poverty’ and female hygiene items are available from Leaders of Learning and the Attendance Office.
  • School Mental Health First Aiders - trained staff who can identify and support well-being and mental health issues. 
  • School nurse drop-in - your form tutor will late you know the available dates and you can turn up without an appointment to discuss anything relating to mental or physical health. 
  • Quiet areas at break/lunch - if you are struggling with being around large crowds at break or lunch or simply need somewhere a bit quieter where you can chat quietly or just sit by yourself, speak to the safeguarding or Learning Support team. 
  • Pastoral support via Leaders of Learning, Form Tutors and Pastoral Support Workers - There are lots of people in school who can help you. You will see your form tutor each morning. Your LoL (and ALoL if applicable) will be out and about during registration and break/lunch, or you can find them in their office. Our Pastoral Support Workers are available throughout the day around the school. 
  • Extra curricular activities - having hobbies and interests can have a huge impact on your wellbeing, and sometimes just getting involved with something outside of lessons can have a massive benefit. Have a chat to any member of staff about what is available, or let us know if you'd like to set up something new! 


  • Sleep – Sleep is vital to wellbeing. It is essential to process the activities and dispose of toxins built up over the day. Teens need between 8 and 10 hours every night.
  • Use of your phone/ tablet/ computer – Use of your phone has links with depression, anxiety and self-esteem issues. The exposure to a blue screen before going to sleep is known to disturb sleep cycles. Too much time on social media also gives you a filtered view of other people's lives and can make you feel like everybody else has more exciting or successful lives, which almost certainly isn't true! 
  • Fuelling your body – Eating a balanced diet and drinking sufficient amounts of water is crucial to the healthy physical function of your body
  • Kindness – You get back what you give out. Sometimes a tiny act of kindness can result in an improved state of mental health.
  • Self-care - Many of the websites below provide practical support and ideas for self-care. Having hobbies and interests and doing things that are fun or interesting can really help with your mental health. They don't have to be the same things that other people enjoy. The things you are interested in make you unique! 


The following websites are fantastic resources if you are struggling and need support. There are lots of practical tips and articles offering advice. Sometimes it also helps just to read about other people's experiences and realise you are not alone. 

 The Source provides information, advice and support specifically for young people in Suffolk. 

 Shout is a free 24/7 text service providing support and advice whenever you need it. 

 The YoungMinds  website has a huge number of resources offering practical support and suggestions. about many aspects of mental health including how to cope with exam stress. There is also 24/7 text support and there is guidance about numbers you can call if you need urgent support. 

 The NHS Every Mind Matters website has videos, tutorials and advice on mental health and self-care for young people. 

 Kooth is a free mental health website and community. It does require a log-in but is free to access. 

 The Childline website offers lots of resources and information about your safety and wellbeing. 

 The Anna Freud Centre has a whole area of their website dedicated to well-being, including a Youth Wellbeing Directory which will help you find sources of support in your local area. 

 The Samaritans are well-known for their 24 hour helpline (which you can call free on 116 123) but also have other ways to get in touch if you don't feel comfortable speaking to somebody, such as by text, e-mail or letter.  


  The Mix is a digital charity for under 25s. As well as phone, text and social media support, their website offers lots of practical information on everything from mental health to choosing your first credit card!

Some other links we think you might like:


This link has LOADS of practical ideas for self-care all recommended by young people like you. Even if you are feeling mentally well but are just a little bored, there are so many ideas on here for things to do with your time! 


This link contains summer resources for you to download and complete, but they can be completed at any time.  

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