Well-Being Tips
When you are busy revising, it is equally important to take care of your own well-being. As exams get closer, you will find you have less free time or may even have to cut back on other commitments to fit in enough time for studying, but it is so important to take care of your own well-being, not only so that you are healthy, happy and not overwhelmed, but also so that you can sustain your revision and study habits over a long period of time and stay productive. These pages provide you with lots of simple tips and strategies to help with this. Remember that if there are other external factors that are impacting your revision, or if you need more support than these pages provide, you can speak to your Lol, a member of the safeguarding team or any member of staff. There are also links to lots of external organisations who can help you, via the Wellbeing pages of this website.
How to keep going and stay positive
What if it's not going well or you've left it too late?
Night-before nerves: How to deal with exam stress and feel prepared