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Spanish Information

Course Details and where to find the specification, course content and exam papers:

You are studying the AQA 8692 Spanish course, The specification, course content and past exam papers can be found here:


What is the exam structure?

Speaking paper: conducted and recorded by class teacher- 25%

Listening exam: 35 minutes (Foundation Tier) and 45 minutes (Higher Tier)

Reading Exam: 45 minutes (Foundation Tier) and 1 hour (Higher Tier).

Writing Exam: 60 minutes (Foundation) and 1h15 (Higher Tier)

Online resources we subscribe to and recommend for studying and revision:

No specific online resources, but all students are provided with a knowledge organiser.

What other resources do we recommend to students?

We recommend all of the following websites:





What does revision in this subject look like?

Listening & Reading
• Use past papers with exam conditions (past exam papers are available in C block)
• Practice exam techniques (e.g., scanning for key words, predicting answers before listening).
• Pay attention to negative phrases.

• Role-play drills pick some role plays from C block and practise. In pairs.
• Photo card practice: Describe in 3 sentences, then predict follow-up questions (identify questions that require answers in past and future tenses)

• Set a 5-minute brainstorm before writing (you have enough space to do so)
• Use your speaking answers where relevant (e.g. opinion, reasons, past/future tenses).
• Use at least 2 complex structures in your writing 90 and 5 in your writing 150
• You must cover all bullet points (4 bullet points- Writing 40/90 & 2 bullet points – Writing 150)

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