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Sociology Information

Course Details and where to find the specification, course content and exam papers:

You are studying AQA GCSE Sociology. The specification, course content and past papers can be found here:

 What is the exam structure?

There are two separate exams.

Both papers are 1hr 45mins and contain a selection of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 12 mark questions.
Each paper has 4x 12 mark questions, 2 on each topic.

Paper 1 –
Section A – Family and Households
Section B – Education

Paper 2 -
Section A – Crime and Deviance
Section B – Social Stratification

Online resources we subscribe to and recommend for studying and revision:

Tutor2U (GCSE Sociology) has some fantastic free resources on their social media platforms.

You have all been provided with a revision guide to use which matches the course content and assessment requirements.

What other resources do we recommend to students?

Your knowledge organisers are a good summary of content. Your revision guides will also support you.

Tutor 2U website - Sociology | tutor2u
Click the ‘free resources’ tab but remember to only use the GCSE materials.

YouTube – Tutor 2U Revision videos - tutor2u - YouTube

 What does revision in this subject look like?

Using effective flashcards for retrieval quizzes
Watching YouTube videos to embed key concepts/theories/key studies
Use the ‘sociology question of the day’ task on Satchel
Accessing past papers and applying revised content knowledge to these exam questions
Planning out 12 mark responses using knowledge organisers
Answering 12 mark questions in timed conditions (15 min per 12 mark response)
Attend weekly lunchtime revision sessions on a Wednesday in A104
Week 1 – Exam skills
Week 2 – Content revision

Are there any specific exam tips or strategies?

First and foremost, NEVER leave a question blank – attempt all questions.
Use the space provided for each answer as an indicator for how much to write.
Start with the 12 mark questions
Highlight ‘trigger’ words in the 12 mark questions – this will indicate to you which perspective / key study / key concepts to use
12 mark responses require 2x paragraphs and a conclusion (no introduction needed)
Paragraph one must agree with the question. Paragraph two needs to disagree or take a different point of view.
Use the PEELE paragraph structure

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