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Copleston High School

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Sixth Form Introduction

"I think what makes Copleston so special is the unique teaching style and approach, where teachers get to know their students and assist them based on their own personal strengths and weaknesses, not just teaching the class as a collective. The staff are always really positive and try to uplift both the student's grades and spirits, encouraging us to strive further and achieve more. The school also focuses on nurturing students and helping to make us the best versions of ourselves we can be, training us to be polite, resilient, understanding individuals that can contribute more in society."       

Year 13 Student


At Copleston we are dedicated to providing the very best academic experience for our A level students. We believe that we are the Sixth Form of choice for studying A level courses in Ipswich and upon completion of the Copleston Sixth Form journey, our students will be equipped to become future leaders within our society.

Our students are taught by specialists who are both passionate about their subject area as well as highly qualified.  These teachers are keen to enrich and accelerate opportunities for all students, specifically those with the capability, potential and motivation to embrace challenge. In a globalised world, securing strong qualifications and a track record of success has never been more important. At Copleston Sixth Form, we want our students to leave us as confident, articulate and mature young adults, imbued with the habits and skills needed to be successful in their chosen careers.


The Sixth Form and its students are expected to make a significant contribution to the school. There are opportunities for all Sixth Formers to get involved in school life by helping out in main school lessons, mentoring younger students, being a reading champion and taking part in the Whole School Council. The School’s Head Boy and Girl are Sixth Form students. Sixth Form students also get the chance to be part of Team Six, which is a group of students who help to drive the Sixth Form forward. Team Six are actively involved in discussing issues that affect the Sixth Form, fund raising and organising social events, like the annual Sixth Form Christmas Quiz! There are also a wide range of sporting, music, fundraising and social events that students can get involved in.

Copleston has fantastic sporting facilities, and the Sixth Form encourages all students to follow the sporting ethos of teamwork and getting involved. We are equally proud of our Basketball and Dance Academies and the opportunities they provide for talented athletes to combine their academic studies with high quality training. 


Many of our students choose to go on to Higher Education. Our dedicated careers team provide advice and guidance about university and career paths throughout your time at Sixth Form. We have an outstanding record for securing students place at top Universities.

We work closely with a range of universities who support our students throughout the application process. These universities, that include the Cambridge University, the University of East Anglia, Nottingham University and Leeds University, provide support for both students and parents through talks, presentations and workshops throughout the year. For all students there are opportunities to visit universities, attend career and university presentations in and outside of Sixth Form and work on applications and interview techniques. One-to-one consultations about university and careers are always available.

Copleston Sixth Form also has a proud tradition of working with a wide range of aspirational employers in the region on bespoke projects and future regional skills and talent pipelines. Students can engage with employers with project management, science, geography, maths and engineering backgrounds to gain valuable insight into a wide range of breakout careers. Copleston Sixth Form has a unique partnership with The Hold in Ipswich which is the regional centre for historical research. Students have the opportunity to curate and digitise local records, including the Copleston Collection, which enables students to gain the latest experience of work in this field

Copleston Sixth Form also works closely with a range of leading companies. These include BT and OPENREACH with a range of Graduate and Advanced and Degree Apprentice Schemes, Screen Suffolk (who work closely with global film companies), Fashion Candy, Scrutton Bland, a leading regional accountancy firm and a range of law firms. Guest speakers, online and direct webinars and podcasts provide our students with the latest information on business, enterprise and future careers.

Sixth Form students also have exclusive access to Unifrog, a dedicated online platform that provides a wide range of careers advice and guidance. Unifrog will allow our Sixth Form students to:

  • Explore career pathways through personality quizzes, career and subject profiles, online courses and webinars
  • Explore opportunities available to them by using intuitive search tools that show live vacancies, courses and placements for apprenticeships, universities and virtual work experience
  • Produce high quality applications for university, apprenticeships and future employment
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