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16-19 Bursary Funding

Copleston Sixth Form 16-19 Bursary Policy


To be eligible to receive a 16-19 Bursary in the 2023-2024 academic year, the student must be aged 16 or over and under 19 on 31st August 2023.

Students must also satisfy the residency criteria set out in the *EFA Funding Guidance. (A person on 1 September who is settled in the UK, and has been ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands for the three years preceding the 1st September.) If you are in any doubt, please speak with the Sixth Form Administrator.

Students should be participating in provision that is subject to inspection by a public body that assures quality and funded within the relevant guidelines. (Attendance at Copleston Sixth Form meets the criteria.)

In all cases of students applying for a bursary the school will take into account individual family circumstances which may affect household income. For example whether the young person lives in a single parent household, or if there are other children or young people living in the household. 


LEVEL ONE – (£1200)

Students in the following defined vulnerable groups will be eligible for a bursary of £1200 a year:  Young people who are in care; young care leavers, young people in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit in their own right; and young people in receipt of both Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independence Payments) and Employment Support Allowance (ESA) in their own right. 

This would be paid in six instalments of £200.00 at the start of each half term by BACS transfer directly into the student account.

Payments will be subject to review by the **Bursary Awards Panel

An application form is available for students who believe they are eligible for a Level One Bursary. 

LEVEL TWO - (Up to £900)

Students who are in receipt of free school meals or have a total household income of £16190 or less can apply for a half termly bursary. Household income can be evidenced by receipt of benefit and/or P60, Tax Credit Award Notice or evidence of self-employment income.  The allowance will be established upon agreement by the school to make awards to students.  All evidence of household income will be in strict confidence.

Payments will be transferred half termly to the students’ bank account via BACS upon authorisation from the school that the student has satisfied all the attendance and behaviour requirements.  These payments will be made in arrears.  There may be delays in some cases if there is any query regarding attendance.

Students will be informed of any non-payment in writing.  However, students should check their payments regularly and in the case of non-payment they should contact the Director of Sixth Form for clarification.

Payments will be subject to review by the **Bursary Awards Panel

An application form is available for students who believe they are eligible for a Level Two Bursary. 

LEVEL THREE – (Up to £500)

Students who have a total household income of between £16190 and £30,000 can apply for a discretionary bursary for specific educational purposes.  These include:

  • Costs of transport and accommodation associated with attending the school
  • IT equipment to support learning
  • Books and Equipment
  • Educational Trips and visits 

Household income can be evidenced by receipt of benefit and/or P60, Tax Credit Award Notice or evidence of self-employment income.  All evidence of household income will be in strict confidence.  No student will receive more than £500 per year.

Payments will be made on an ad-hoc basis by the most mutually convenient method. Receipts for any purchases will need to be provided for audit purposes.

Payments will be subject to review by the **Bursary Awards Panel

An application form is available for students who believe they are eligible for a Level Three Bursary. 


Students who successfully apply for any of the above levels will also be able to access a small emergency fund for exceptional circumstances if they can show an identifiable financial need. There will be an application form available from the Sixth Form Office where all requests will be dealt with the strictest confidence.


The **Bursary Awards Panel will assess each application with supporting documentation in the strictest confidence.  Any student who believes they are eligible for any level of funding from the 16-19 Bursary Fund should complete an application form and hand it in to the Director of Sixth Form as soon as possible after admission in September.  The closing date for applications will be Friday 29 September 2023. 


A student in receipt of any level of bursary must inform the Director of Sixth Form of any changes to family circumstances that may affect the support during the academic year.  Students who become eligible during the academic year should contact the Director of Sixth Form and make an application. 


 To receive any funds once the school has acknowledged eligibility, participating students at Copleston Sixth Form must adhere to the following criteria.

To receive the half termly allowance (Level Two only) students should have 90% attendance at all timetabled lessons and registrations for period unless they have prior permission from the Sixth Form Management Team for authorised absence.  Holidays will not be authorised.  Approved Examination Study Leave, participation on approved educational trips, or approved representative activities will be counted as an attendance.

Students must abide by the standards of behaviour and effort as agreed at the start of their learning programme as detailed in the Sixth Form Code of Conduct.  If poor behaviour or effort is reported and supported by documentary evidence, the student will not be paid for that period.



Eligibility - Parents, guardians and students will have the right of appeal to the Bursary Awards Panel ** in all cases if it is felt the application has been withheld without justification.


Eligibility - Parents, guardians and students will have the right of appeal to the Bursary Awards Panel ** in all cases if it is felt the application has been withheld without justification.

Issues with half termly payments - As payments are made directly to the student concerned it is therefore the student who must contact the school in case of difficulty and not the parent.  Students will have the right of appeal in all cases if it is felt the payment has been withheld without justification. 

In the first instance the student should explain, (with supporting evidence if appropriate) within one school week, to the Director of Sixth Form, why the payment should have been made.  If the decision to withhold payment is upheld then the student may appeal to the Vice Principle with Sixth Form oversight.  This is the final appeal and must be made within one further week.


Eligibility - Parents, guardians and students will have the right of appeal to the Bursary Awards Panel ** in all cases if it is felt the payment has been withheld without justification.


*Education Funding Agency

** Will comprise one member of Finance, Director of Sixth Form, a Vice Principal and if needed the Principal

Copleston Sixth Form 16-19 bursary policy 2023-24Bursary Application Form
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