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Sixth Form Induction Programme

Starting Sixth Form is a big change, whether you are staying at Copleston or joining us from another school in Ipswich or from even further afield. We want all students to feel welcome and part of the Sixth Form and the wider Copleston community. We also recognise that Year 11 students don't just instantly develop the more advanced level of independent learning and time management required for A level studies. 

Our Induction programme begins as soon as we receive your application form. You will be invited to meet with a member of Copleston staff to discuss your course choices and to ensure these are suitable. After you are offered a place and your GCSE exams are over, you will be invited to an induction day at Copleston. You will meet many of the Sixth Form staff and receive an introductory lesson in each of your chosen subjects. There will also be lots of time to socialise, including at our very popular annual Sixth Form barbecue at lunchtime! 

Students applying from other schools will have extra opportunities to meet each other and smaller groups of Copleston students so that you can start to form friendships and to know that there will be some familiar faces on your first day. 

After GCSE results, we work with students to help with any course changes so that you can receive a timetable on the first day which hopefully won't need to change. Of course, if you realise early on that your chosen course is not for you, we will do everything we can to help you find the right combination! 

On arrival at Copleston, we give students a full day of induction activities which continue into your first weeks of Enrichment and our APEX tutor time programme. We will help you with time management, organisation and study skills and give you strategies to help you get the best out of your time at Copleston. 

Above all, we want your Sixth Form experience to be an unforgettable one for all the right reasons! We have plenty of staff available for you to speak to in your early days and weeks and throughout your time at Copleston. You will also have daily sessions with your form tutor who will get to know you well and will be your first point of contact whether you are struggling or, as we hope, having the time of your life and enjoying everything that Copleston offers, both academically and socially! 

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