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Copleston High School

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SHAPE - developing oracy

At Copleston, we believe it is important to develop confident students who can communicate effectively in a range of situations and to a range of audiences. This will increase their employability but also enable them to participate effectively in society and to give clear and measured opinions or speak out on the issues they feel strongly about.  Good oracy can also lead to good literacy as being able to speak their answers will make it easier for them to write them.

To achieve this, we use the simple acronym of SHAPE. We encourage students to give "Shape answers" in lessons, and will support them in improving their answers. Students are responding fabulously to this and many of them say they enjoy the challenge of answering in full sentences. We also use cold-calling which means asking students not to raise their hands but allowing staff to select students to answer. Staff are sensitive to the individual needs of students and build in thinking time before requiring an answer, but they will also challenge students to answer questions that require deeper levels of thought. 

"Every lesson at Copleston feels different as you learn something new all the time, even if they are linked. The lessons are great and the teachers want to help you achieve your highest potential even if you find a lesson difficult." - Year 7 student



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