Physical Education Information
Course Details and where to find the specification, course content and exam papers:
You are studying:
Edexcel GCSE Physical education
Exam website page is linked here:
What is the exam structure?
Component 1 Exam
1hr 30mins – 80 marks
A mix of multiple choice, short answer and one 9-mark questions
Applied anatomy and physiology
Movement analysis
Physical training
Use of data
Component 2 Exam
1hr 15mins – 60 marks
A mix of multiple choice, short answer and one 9-mark questions
Health, fitness and well-being
Sport psychology
Socio-cultural influences
Use of data
You will need a pencil and a calculator for the component 1 exam.
Online resources we subscribe to and recommend for studying and revision:
No specific online resources, but all students are provided with a knowledge organiser and revision workbooks which should be used regularly.
What other resources do we recommend to students?
BBC bitesize has excellent information and resources:
The EverLearner YouTube website has lots of good videos; just make sure you search for the Edexcel ones:
What does revision in this subject look like?
The exams are very content heavy so you should be doing lots of retrieval practise.
Quizlet is very useful for learning key terms and definitions/descriptions
If you know the content you should be doing lots of exam question practise using the revision workbook and past papers from the exam board website. There are also links to the mark schemes and examiner’s report to help you understand the key terminology that should be used in the different questions.
Are there any specific exam tips or strategies?
Check the number of marks for questions to work out the level of answer required.
Plan the 9 mark answer thinking through:
AO1 – demonstrate what you know
AO2 – apply your knowledge to the question
AO3 – evaluate/analyse why