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Mobile Phones

In the recent Government Guidance on Mobile Phones (Feb 2024) it states that every school has a duty to create an environment that is calm, safe and free from distraction so all pupils, whatever their background, can learn and thrive. One of the greatest challenges facing schools is the presence of mobile phones. A link to this guidance can be seen below:
As a school we accept that mobile phones are now part of everyday life, especially for
children and young adults. However, technology can on occasions be used inappropriately and lead to bullying and breaches of the rights of others (i.e. filming without permission). In schools there is much evidence to suggest that it can disrupt and distract students from learning.

In line with the government guidance, we have made the decision to remove mobile phones from the school day, to help create a safe space where pupils are protected from the risks and dangers associated with social media and cyber-bullying, as well as the peer pressure and possible stigma associated with owning what are often expensive devices.

Use of mobile devices by students

From September 2024 it is the responsibility of students who bring mobile devices to school to abide by the rules outlined below:
Copleston High School has a ‘Gate to Gate’ mobile phone policy.
Students must turn their mobile devices off before entering the school site and they
will only be permitted to use them once they leave at the end of the day.

Mobile devices must be switched off and kept out of sight at all times of the school
day including breaktime and lunchtime.

Students must keep their phones switched off in their bag and not be in pockets or
other items of clothing.

Students are not permitted to listen to music through mobile devices during the day
headphones are not to be worn without permission from a member of staff.
Under no circumstances should mobile devices be out of bags in changing rooms.
Students are not able to use their mobile devices to pay for items in the coffee bar.
A bank card must be used.

Sixth Form students can use their mobile devices within the designated Sixth Form
block. They are however bound by the same mobile device rules as main school students when they are anywhere outside of the designated Sixth Form block.

“Mobile devices” includes mobile phones, tablets, smart watches and earphones. The list of mobile devices is not exhaustive and the school reserves the right to confiscate items that are deemed to be inappropriate.

You can read more about our policy on mobile phones and any sanctions relating to this in our Behaviour Policy on our Policies page. 

Impact on Social Times

Having introduced a stricter policy within the last year, we have already noticed marked differences in students' demeanour, particularly during social times. Students are engaging much more with one another and with staff, talking about their day, making use of facilities such as our 5G pitches, table tennis tables and chess tables and participating enthusiastically in our Intervention by Interaction challenge in which staff quiz students on a particular theme each half term and challenge them to memorise and recite a poem. 

Further Reading

If you would like to find out more about the impact of smartphones on children and young people and what you can do as a parent or carer to support them with responsible, safe and healthy phone use, you may wish to consult the following website:


Please note that we are not responsible for the content of external websites. 


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