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Media Studies Information

Course Details and where to find the specification, course content and exam papers:

You are studying GCSE Media Studies with exam board Eduqas

The specification link can be found below: https://www.eduqas.co.uk/media/1ckd54eo/eduqas-gcse-media-studies-spec-from-2017-e-2.pdf

What is the exam structure?

Component 1: Exploring the Media
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes;40% of qualification
Section A: Exploring Media Language and Representation
This section assesses media language and representation in relation to two of the following print media forms: magazines, marketing (film posters), newspapers, or print advertisements.
There are two questions in this section:
• one question assessing media language in relation to one set product (reference to relevant contexts may be required)
• one two-part question assessing representation in relation to one set product and one unseen resource in the same media form. Part (a) is based on media contexts. Part (b) requires comparison through an extended response.
Section B: Exploring Media Industries and Audiences
This section assesses two of the following media forms: film, newspapers, radio, video games. It includes:
• one stepped question on media industries
• one stepped question on audiences

Component 2: Understanding Media Forms and Products
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes; 30% of qualification
This component assesses all areas of the theoretical framework and contexts of the media in relation to television and music.
Section A: Television
• one question on either media language or representation, which will be based on an extract from one of the set television programme episodes to be viewed in the examination (reference to relevant contexts may be required)
• one question on media industries, audiences or media contexts.
Section B: Music (music videos and online media)
• one question on either media language or representation (reference to relevant contexts may be required)
• one question on media industries, audiences or media contexts.

Online resources we subscribe to and recommend for studying and revision:

No specific online resources, but all students are provided with a knowledge organiser and revision workbooks which should be used regularly.

What other resources do we recommend to students?

Mrs Fisher’s YouTube channel:

What does revision in this subject look like?

Self-testing using knowledge organisers in red folders.
Reviewing resources in the KS4 shared area folder for Media Studies.
Redrafting past responses to mock papers in October and January using feedback and model answers given by teachers.
Complete the Q1 homework tasks to capitalise on revision outside of lessons.
Review and redraft responses for the new practice papers created especially for this year’s exam series. Use the model answers to help support you do this.

Are there any specific exam tips or strategies?

Underline keywords to the question to secure your understanding of what is being asked before you begin writing.

Ensure that your writing F.I.T.S (Fills In the Space) in the area provided on the exam paper.

Use all the time you are given to complete the exam.

Component 1 Exam Tips: Ensure that you spend time annotating the unseen media product for Q2 and plan your Q2b) response. This should include an introduction to the concept of representations and a conclusion summarising your ideas.

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