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Copleston High School

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"The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.”


Curriculum Maps

The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps:

key stage 3 - year 7

key stage 3 - year 8

GCSE - Year 9

GCSE - Year 10

GCSE - Year 11

maths - year 12

maths - year 13

further maths - yr 12

further maths - yr 13

How will my child be assessed?


Assessment and Feedback Outline Approach


In Year 7 and 8, there are 8 individual units are taught across the year. All units are split into two parts with each part having a specific assessment assigned to it. Each assessment has an extension question to encourage pupils to familiarise themselves with this style of questioning in preparation for their GCSE examinations. Pupils are given detailed feedback and model solutions are worked through after every assessment.


Problem solving questions are incorporated into both the teaching and assessment elements of the course in preparation for the objectives at GCSE level. Homework tasks are a mixture of online tasks via my maths or Hegarty maths, written work or research-based activities. Written homework is peer, self or teacher marked with a brief comment. Tasks marks in greater depth will have a dialogue between teacher and pupil as to what went well and next steps. Online homework is recorded in student books and based on the results a teacher might identify misconceptions and follow up with worked examples to support learning. Researched based homework would be to gauge prior knowledge, to introduce a new topic or consolidate prior learning.


Topics are delivered following a prescribed scheme of work ensuring all exam criteria is met. Each term there is a formal assessment based on GCSE examination material assessing content that has been covered in the scheme of work. Pupils are given detailed feedback and model solutions are worked through after every assessment. In year 9 pupils complete 3 formal assessments written by the department based on skills they have learnt to date. In year 10 pupils complete 2 formal assessments written by the department based on skills they have learnt to date and an assessment involving GCSE papers in the summer term. In year 11 pupils sit 2 series of formal mock examinations in which past GCSE Papers are used. QLA and examiners reports are used from the mock examinations to move learning on and focus for the next steps on teaching and learning.


Teacher give assessments that are less formal during the interim periods to continue monitoring pupil progress. Homework tasks are a mixture of online tasks via my maths or Hegarty maths, written work or GCSE examination questions. Written homework is peer, self or teacher marked with a brief comment. Tasks marked in greater depth will have a dialogue between teacher and pupil as to what went well and next steps. Online homework is recorded in student books and based on the results a teacher might identify misconceptions and follow up with worked examples to support learning.


Half termly assessments are given to pupils based on course content covered to allow the tracking and monitoring of pupil progress throughout the course. Two formal assessments are completed in both year 12 and year 13 Pupils are given to all pupils in addition to the half termly assessments. Detailed feedback and model solutions are worked through after every assessment. Regular homework based around subject content and examination questions also facilitate in the monitoring of pupil progress.


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