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Copleston High School

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Learning Resource Centre

Learning Resource Centre

Our Learning Resource Centre is a very important and highly valued area of the school. Pupils are encouraged to use the Learning Resource Centre in lessons, before school, during the lunch period and after school. There are approximately 8,000 books in the Learning Resource Centre, as well as audio books and magazines for general interest. The Learning Resource Centre is available for students to use for reading for pleasure as well as research. In addition, we can provide collections of resources for students to use in the classroom, especially if the Library is already booked that lesson. We have a number of computers available in the Learning Resource Centre, allowing a combination of resources to be used for research. We also house the Super Curriculum books for students to access for these projects. 

KS3 Students have regular lessons in the Learning Resource Centre to encourage reading. At the start of the year, they follow a programme to develop their library and information skills. All students read during form time and they are welcome to come to the Learning Resource Centre daily to change their books. 

We have a state-of-the art computerised book issuing system and catalogue. All students have personal library accounts where they can check what books they have borrowed, write reviews of books which they have read, create lists of books which they would like to read, and they can place reservations. This is available to all students and staff through the VLE.

We hope that giving pupils plentiful access and freedom to use the Learning Resource Centre will equip them to handle information easily and confidently. We also hope to encourage a love of books and an enthusiasm for reading in our pupils that will stay with them throughout life.


The Library has a vibrant section on the VLE. As well as allowing students to check their own library accounts and access to the Learning Resource Centre catalogue, there are links to reading and literacy themed online resources as well as a link to our eBook library.

Book Mastermind

All Year 7 and Year 8 students can participate in Book Mastermind reading competitions. The Year 7 final of this takes place during December and the Year 8 final takes place in the New Year. We also hold a Staff Book Mastermind at lunchtime, which students are invited to attend.

Author visits

We have hosted visits during the year by authors. These include Julie Golding, Dave Shelton, Rick Riordan, Darren Shan, Curtis Jobling and Andrew Hammond.

Reading groups

Year 7 students can attend a reading club during their WOW sessions. There is also an opportunity to join a lunchtime reading club which is open to all students. Year 9 students are invited to participate in the Carnegie and Greenaway Shadowing Scheme, which is a major award for children’s fiction awarded annually. Although these groups are targeted at specific year groups, any other student is welcome to participate.


Chess and Warhammer clubs currently take place during lunchtimes in the Learning Resource Centre. There are also occasional events and activities organised with school curriculum areas and Careers as well as books and reading themed events taking place during the lunch break.

World Book Day

As part of World Book Day, every student is entitled to receive a £1 book token. These can be used towards the purchase of books or can be exchanged for one of the specially produced books. We have a supply of these books available in the Learning Resource Centre. Students can exchange their token for one of the World Book Day books during the lunch break on World Book Day at the World Book Day stall run by Student Librarians.

Student Librarians

Students can apply to become Student Librarians. This involves working in the Learning Resource Centre during lunchtimes on a rota. This helps give students a sense of ownership in the Learning Resource Centre and develops a range of skills and responsibilities.


Copleston also has an eBook library with currently over 230 titles. There are titles covering Science, History, Geography, Mathematics, Art, and Careers along with a good selection of fiction and general interest titles.

To access,  click on the link below. Students will need to be logged into their school account.


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