Key Stage 4 Subject Specific Revision Information
All of the tips and advice in this resource will apply to every subject with written examinations. However, every exam is different and it is important to know the specific resources and support available to you for each subject, where to find past papers and other revision materials, what the exam structure will be and any special advice about how to tackle exam questions in that subject.
How to use this section
This section is not intended to be read a whole page at a time. Firstly, remember that there will be some subjects you don’t study. For the subjects that you do, the following pages are designed to act as a reference guide. You can come back to the information more than once and you might even want to have the page open in front of you for reference when revising a particular subject. You can also check important details here such as the exam board and what will be on each paper.
Remember that this guide is not meant to take the place of your teachers! You will be given all of the information in these pages in multiple different ways during lessons, so you need to listen and take in as much information as you can. Your teacher is an expert in their subject, so they are the most valuable resource you have access to! Ask them as many questions as you need to, so that you feel confident about how to approach the exams.
Use the menu at the side of the page (desktop only) or the dropdown menu at the top to navigate to the specific subjects you are studying.
Where can I find more general information about studying and revision?
Exam Study Expert has lots of information, podcasts and resources about the science behind studying and how to make your revision as effective as possible. We have previously invited them to work with both staff and students at Copleston.
The Learning Scientists are interested in the research behind how we learn. They have produced some useful handouts and information for students and parents.
Inner Drive produce regular blogs, resources and books about different aspects of studying, revision and motivation. Many of their online resources are aimed at teachers rather than students, but are all very readable and contain a huge amount of valuable information. Inner Drive read the latest research about learning and summarise it in a simple way.
BBC Bitesize have a section all about revision, study skills and how to take care of your well-being. There are video clips, information pages and lots of other resources to support you.