Information Technology Information
Course Details and where to find the specification, course content and exam papers:
In ICT you are completing a course from OCR called OCR Cambridge Nationals - Creative iMedia Level 2 – J834
This course is a level 2 course, equivalent to one GCSE.
Instead of using Grades 1 to 9 this course uses Level 2 Pass/Merit/Distinction/Distinction* grades. Students who do not achieve enough marks to get a level 2 Pass can still be awarded a level 1 Pass/Merit or Distinction grade.
The course specification can be obtained from this site:
The exam unit for this course is unit R093 – Creative iMedia in the Media Industry
What is the exam structure?
The course consists of 3 units:
Unit 1 (R094 – Visual Identify and Digital Graphics): Controlled Assessment unit (coursework completed in lesson time year 10/11). Your portfolio of evidence will be marked and externally moderated by OCR and counts for 25% of your overall qualification
Unit 2 (R097 – Interactive Digital Media): Controlled Assessment unit (coursework completed in lesson time year 10/11). Your portfolio of evidence will be marked and externally moderated by OCR and counts for 35% of your overall qualification
Unit 3 (R093 – Creative iMedia in the Media Industry) is an exam unit. You will sit this exam this summer. The exam lasts 1 and 30 minutes, is marked out of 70 marks and counts for 40% of your qualification.
Online resources we subscribe to and recommend for studying and revision:
The department has set up user accounts for all year 11 ICT/iMedia students on a platform called KnowItAllNinja.
Students have used this platform over the last three years to complete homework tasks and can still access the content which includes interactive content, video clips and quizzes on all learning objectives of the course.
(Use your school email address to login)
What other resources do we recommend to students?
Using your school login details you can access your learning grid
This grid contains a break down of the spec for the exam unit and access to video clips on most learning objectives of the course.
Past papers and mark schemes can be downloaded from this site:
What does revision in this subject look like?
This unit contains lots of facts and iMedia terminology that you will need to be confident with before taking the exam.
All the usual revision techniques (self-quizzing using flashcards, brain dumps, mind maps etc) are ideal for Computer Science.
Use your knowledge organisers for a list of all the key terminology used in this exam paper.
Revising using past papers and mark schemes is also highly recommended.
Are there any specific exam tips or strategies?
Learn the basics! Key definitions for all the keywords highlighted in bold on your knowledge organiser.
For questions on pre-production documents, always refer to the context of the question. You should refer in your answer to who the document is to be used by and hence mention what information will they need to have access to. You should also refer to the purpose and the target audience of the media product. This information will be provided to you in the scenario the exam questions are based on.