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Copleston High School

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Higher Education Experiences

Our careers programme meets Gatsby Benchmark 7; Encounters with further and higher education consistently.  Copleston is acknowledged by the Vice Chancellor of University of Suffolk as "a vibrant example of partnership working between outstanding secondary schools, and UoS."
Copleston High School has a partnership agreement with NEACO whose aim is to widen participation in Higher Education.  NEACO aims to raise the awareness of Higher Education with our students right from when they join us at Copleston High School in Year 7.  Our NEACO Higher Education Champion works closely with staff in the school and will run assemblies and activities as part of the careers programme.

Students are regularly invited to attend open days; for our younger year groups we actively encourage students and families to take part in the University of Suffolk’s “family awareness days.” With older students for example, we use the specialist facilities offered to us at University of Suffolk to support our sports programmes.
Across the curriculum we have many examples of working with universities, for instance;

  • Science students visit to University of East Anglia
  • History students visit to University of Essex; an examination of sources and resources to support their study
  • Graphics students visit to Norwich University of the Arts “Degree Show” for inspiration
  • Year 8 and 9 students visit to Cambridge University

Alongside visits to universities, we regularly invite NEACO and other universities to take part in our careers events and preparation for application to Higher Education.  This year we have had workshops from the University of East Anglia that supported students in writing their personal statements, and spoken to parents about student finance.  Alongside these visits, University of Creative Arts, University of Leeds, University of Suffolk and University of Essex exhibited at our careers fair. 


Please see our careers and work experience pages for further information and details about post 16 and 18 options. 

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