Food Preparation and Nutrition Information
Course Details and where to find the specification, course content and exam papers:
You are studying:
EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition.
The specification and course content can be found here:
What is the exam structure?
You sit one exam paper in June.
Section A focuses on short answer questions and you will have visual stimulii to look at and jog your memory.
Section B has a range of long and short answer question that can be asked from any topic we have studied across Yr9 and Yr10.
Answers can be 2 marks. 4 marks, 6 Marks, 8 marks and 12 marks.
Online resources we subscribe to and recommend for studying and revision:
No specific online resources, but all students are provided with a knowledge organiser.
What other resources do we recommend to students?
Your knowledge organisers are a good summary of the information you need.
You have also been provided with a revision guide.
What does revision in this subject look like?
All the usual revision techniques (self-quizzing using flashcards, brain dumps, mind maps etc) are ideal for Food.
Past papers are also very helpful.
Use the mark schemes for the paper to check your answers – they give examples of what might be included in the answer. Once you have checked, improve your answers.
Are there any specific exam tips or strategies?
Detailed knowledge of the 3 macronutrients is essential: Protein, Carboyhdrates, Fats.
If a question is worth 1 mark you need 1 point. If a question is worth 12 marks you need 12 points as well as an explanation.