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English Literature Information

Course Details and where to find the specification, course content and exam papers:

We study EDUQAS (also known as WJEC in Wales) for both English Language and English Literature.

Details can be found here:

What is the exam structure?

There are 2 Components:

Component 1 (40%) is two hours
Section A – Romeo and Juliet
   Analysis of an extract (20 minutes, 15 marks)
   Whole play essay (40 minutes, 25 marks, 5 marks for SPaG)
Section B – Anthology Poetry
   Single poem analysis (20 minutes, 15 marks)
   Comparative essay (40 minutes, 25 marks)

Component 2 (60%) is two and a half hours
Section A: Blood Brothers (40 marks, 45 minutes)
Section B: A Christmas Carol (40 marks, 45 marks)
Section C - Single poem analysis (20 minutes, 15 marks)
   Comparative essay (40 minutes ,25 marks)

 Online resources we subscribe to and recommend for studying and revision:

All students have a subscription to GCSEpod:


This platform offers short videos on all components for English Language/ Literature.
Seneca (which is free) is also good for English Literature revision.


Finally, we subscribe to Massolit, which is used more by KS5 students but offers some good high-level revision videos for Romeo and Juliet. Students can sign-up using their Copleston email address if they wish:


What other resources do we recommend to students?

Knowledge Organisers are useful for revising key themes and characters.

GCSE Bitesize (BBC) also offers useful revision for both English Language and Literature
What does revision in this subject look like?
Focus on the revision of characters and theme in Romeo and Juliet, Blood Brothers and A Christmas Carol.

Use flashcards, mind-maps and knowledge organisers and revision guides to revise character and theme

Practise past papers

Watch revision videos on YouTube and the platforms we subscribe to.

Are there any specific exam tips or strategies?

Practise using PEARL
P -point; E- Evidence; A – Analyse; R- Reanalyse
L- Link (to context or another quote in the text).

Focus on learning micro quotes – one word quotes that are significant and which you can explore

Watch film versions of Romeo and Juliet and A Christmas Carol. This is a great 30 minutes version of ‘ACC’ with key quotes:

Blood Brothers can be found here:

Download and listen to the songs from Blood Brothers as an easy way of learning them.

Pair the poems up according to theme

Learn who? When? Where? What ? Why? For each poem. Give a ‘light touch’ to poems that have already been on the exam paper – ask your teacher for these!

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