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English Language Information

Course Details and where to find the specification, course content and exam papers:

We study EDUQAS (also known as WJEC in Wales) for both English Language and English Literature.

You can find more information here:

What is the exam structure?

There are two exams:
Component 1 (40%) 1 hour 45 minutes – Fiction
Reading: (20%) - 1 hour
Candidates will needs to read an extract from a fictional text and answer a series of questions on it (one hour)
Writing : (20%) - 45 minutes
Write a narrative

Component 2 (60%) - 2 hours
Reading: 30% - 1 hour
Candidates will need two non-fiction texts on the same subject. One will be 19th century and the other 21st century. They will then answer a range of questions that assess their ability to select information, analyse language, evaluate language and compare.
Writing: 30% 1 hour
Candidates need to write two responses: one will be informative (transactional) and the other persuasive. They will be asked in write in two of the following forms:
Article (including reviews)

Online resources we subscribe to and recommend for studying and revision:

All students have a subscription to GCSEpod:

This platform offers short videos on all components for English Language/ Literature.

Seneca (which is free) is also good for English Literature revision.

What other resources do we recommend to students?

Knowledge Organisers are useful for revising key themes and characters.

GCSE Bitesize (BBC) also offers useful revision for both English Language and Literature

What does revision in this subject look like?

Past papers are the easiest way to prepare for the exam – there is no knowledge to learn. Practise timings and exam strategy Are there any specific exam tips or strategies?

Practise using PEA: P -point; E- Evidence; A – Analyse;

Do past papers!

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