Drama Information
Course Details and where to find the specification, course content and exam papers:
You are studying AQA GCSE Drama (8261)
Course homepage link: AQA | Drama | GCSE | GCSE Drama
Specification link:
What is the exam structure?
You will sit 1 written paper, which is 1 hour and 45 minutes long and is marked out of 80 overall.
An individual copy of the set text (Blood Brothers) is provided for you in your exam room.
Section A is 4 x 1-mark questions which are multiple choice and focus on roles and responsibilities of theatre makers, areas of the stage, and staging types/configurations.
(4 marks)
Section B is on our set text of Blood Brothers, and you will be given a set extract and will answer:
*1x4 mark design question.
*1x 8-mark question on performing a line as a given character within the extract.
*1x12 mark question on interaction between 2 or more characters within the extract.
1x20 mark question which is assessing your knowledge of both the extract and the wider play.
(44 marks)
Section C is a 32-mark question where you write a response to live theatre viewed. You can answer on The Mousetrap or Pride and Prejudice (dependant on which one you viewed).
(32 marks)
Online resources we subscribe to and recommend for studying and revision:
No specific online resources, but all students are provided with a knowledge organiser.
What other resources do we recommend to students?
You have knowledge organisers and a Blood Brothers revision guide which are both the most useful revision resources.
Past papers can also be accessed here: AQA | Drama | GCSE | GCSE Drama
(Search under assessment resources and then question papers)
What does revision in this subject look like?
Revising live theatre notes for Section C, ensuring you have revised skills used and learnt any lines of speech to relate these to.
Using the revision guide given to help you with Blood brother revision for Section B.
Revise your starter notes from class for section A.
Use knowledge organisers and past papers to revise also.
Are there any specific exam tips or strategies?
Start with Section C and complete the 32-mark question first.
Then work through section B starting with the larger 20-mark question first.