Design Technology Information
Course Details and where to find the specification, course content and exam papers:
You are studying OCR Design and Technology, Resistant Materials.
The Specification and course content is here:
What is the exam structure?
You sit one exam and this is broken down into 2 main sections A and B.
A section, focuses on specific content of the whole syllabus .
B Section asks you to focus on a product made from either metal, timber or polymer and explain how it would be commercially manufactured.
There will be at least 2, possibly 3 longer style questions worth 8 marks each.
Online resources we subscribe to and recommend for studying and revision:
Your knowledge organisers are a good summary of the information you need.
You will also be provided with a revision guide.
What other resources do we recommend to students?
We recommend the following websites for revision and access to past papers:
What does revision in this subject look like?
All the usual revision techniques (self-quizzing using flashcards, brain dumps, mind maps etc) are ideal for Design and Technology.
D&T is very knowledge-heavy so you need to spend lots of time doing retrieval activities. Quizlet is a great way to learn key words for Resistant Materials !
After the retrieval stage, you need to try past papers. Remember not to skip over the long answers – it is really important to practice writing these!
Remember, look on the BBC website under the science and technology section, current and up to date news..
Are there any specific exam tips or strategies?
Do past papers, use the FLASH Cards to help you. Create Mind Maps, like the ones we created in class. Focus on the longer style questions, the 8 markers.
Look at the BBC website under Science and Technology.