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“The Function of Sociology, as of every science, is to reveal that which is Hidden.”


Key Stage 4

Sociology is the study of society. Sociologists investigate the social world in order to explain it and the behaviour which happens within it. We are able to begin to ask questions about the world we live in that we have always taken for granted. For example ‘what is the function of education?’ or ‘Is crime necessary in society?’ In today’s modern society, Sociology remains as important as ever. As our world becomes more globalised and diverse, Sociology gives us the tools to understand the different processes and behaviours happening.

What skills and opportunities does sociology provide us with at KS4?

  • Analysis of statistical and sociological information
  • Interpretation of sociological theory and perspectives
  • Verbal communication – class discussions
  • Written communication – a proportion of the exam responses are mini essays
  • Evaluation of different sociological perspectives and viewpoints
  • Sociological knowledge of Marxism, Feminism, Functionalism and Interactionism

Key Stage 5

Sociology at A-level is where we develop students’ Sociological imagination.

Here we journey through a variety of topics with a deeper critical eye. In doing so, A-level Sociology enables us to see the world differently, it allows us to become aware of how and why certain social behaviours, social trends and challenges exist, evolve and change. Looking specifically at the key themes of socialisation, culture, identity, globalisation, social differentiation, power and inequality. In a world characterised by uncertainty and social change, this subject proves more and more crucial and relevant.

What skills and opportunities does sociology provide us with at KS5?

  • Analysis of social trends, sociological perspectives and social issues
  • Interpretation and evaluation of sociological debates and contemporary events, examples and sociological theory
  • Verbal communication – class discussions
  • Written communication –extended and smaller answer questions feature in every exam paper

Curriculum Maps

The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps: 

KS4 Curriculum Map

Yr 12 Curriculum Map

Yr 13 Curriculum Map

How will my child be assessed?


Assessment and Feedback Outline Approach


Each lesson in each Topic has a progress check question which acts as the Learning Objective. Colleagues are expected to upload the results of these progress checks on G4S in order to monitor consistency and teaching of the SOW. These progress checks will be collated in an Assessment booklet. In year 10 and 11, small mark questions (3 & 4 marks) will be marked through a range of peer, self, and teacher assessment (if required). In each Topic there will be a maximum of four 12 mark mini-essay questions. Teachers are expected to give detailed feedback on these. For year 9 there are no mini-essay questions, therefore the 3&4 mark questions will work on a cycle of teacher, self and peer assessment. For all years, there will be a standardised End of Topic assessment for each of the topics studied, these will require detailed feedback and will be added to G4S to provide a current working grade, in line with the whole school assessment policy. Sometimes it might be necessary to undertake a mid-topic assessment it order to fulfil the requirements of the whole school policy of a formal assessment once a term. Year 10 and 11 will also have detailed feedback on mocks. Exercise books are used for class work and note taking, and teachers are only expected to mark for literacy and to monitor the rate and level of class work taking place.


An assessment booklet is shared with the students, which includes A list of EOTs (end of topic assessments) and progress checks. Progress checks are competed and peer assessed throughout lessons without notes. EOT – Every other EOT will be teacher assessed. Model answers are provided for every EOT. Students are expected to self-assess EOTs that are not teacher marked. They are expected to add changes after model answers are handed out. Each EOT contains a mark scheme to help students self-assess but an additional self-assessment sheet will be required to be completed. Sometimes WABOLL answers (what a bad one looks like) are used and students improve them instead of model answers. Students sometimes complete research tasks and presentations which are peer marked. Mocks are teacher marked and model answers are always handed out.


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