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Curriculum Maps

The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps: NB. The A level Physics Curriculum map is being updated due to a specification change. The previous map is included for reference only. 

Key Stage 3











How will my child be assessed?


Assessment and Feedback Outline Approach


6 modules are taught each year with four skills or areas of focus in each unit. A variety of assessments are provided in each unit including a mid unit test and an end of unit test.  The test is broken down into four sections assessing each skill and also includes extension material. There is an end of year exam covering all modules.


Each subject (Biology Chemistry and Physics) has 3 to 5 modules of varying lengths a year.  A range of teacher assessments with feedback are done in each subject consisting of end of unit tests, mid unit tests and required practical assessments using exam material.  End of year exams are done in Y9 and Y10 and two mock exams in Y11 all using exam questions

KS5 Biology

24 units of work are covered across the 2 year. Each unit has an end of unit test (in four cases smaller units are combined into one test). All tests use past exam questions from the newer specification. We have two mock exams each year which use whole past paper and theses are marked and moderated using the exam board mark schemes and graded using exam-board grade boundaries. Formal feedback is given for every test and mock exam and there is continuous dialogue between teachers and students regarding classwork, homework and practical work

KS5 Chemistry

27 Units of work are covered across the 2 years.  Each has an end of unit test (in two cases 2 small units are combined into one test.  Exam questions are a key part of the course, and are particularly used in the subject form group.  2 mocks held each year, using the previous year’s exam papers, and marked according to the grade boundaries of those papers. Formal feedback is given for every test and mock exam. Homework is set regularly and are a mix of exam questions and text book questions

KS5 Physics

19 modules are covered over the 2 years (10 in the first and 9 in the second).  Each module has an end of unit assessment based on past exam questions for that module and using typical grade boundaries.  Other questions are done for homework in class and marked either by peer/self-marking or by the teacher.


Feedback is an ongoing dialogue involving tests, homework and class discussion.  Two mocks are held each year using past exam questions and graded according to exam board grades and given formal feedback.

KS5 Applied Science

Year 12 level 3 Certificate. Assessed terminally by  2 x 90 minute written exams, (one with pre- release materials), plus an externally moderated portfolio of experimental techniques, taught throughout the course.


Year 13 Level 3 Extended Certificate – 1 x 90 minute written exam, one original extended practical investigation, (internally assessed and externally moderated) and one practical investigation based on the option unit studied.


Throughout the course, students are monitored within externally assessed units of content by end of topic tests using past papers and real grade boundaries. Coursework units are continually being assessed informally between staff and students before final submission and grading. The Year 12 mock exam is based on a past paper. The Year 13 mock exam grade is based on first draft submission of unit 5 coursework.


Homework can be discrete tasks relevant to the course, or revision activities for upcoming assessments, and during coursework units, will be based purely on completion of relevant tasks within the unit or investigation.


Completion of Year 12 yields a Certificate in Applied Science which can either be used as a discrete qualification or the first 50% of an Extended Certificate.


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