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Copleston High School

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Politics means different things to different people, often carrying both positive and negative connotations. The Greek philosopher Aristotle described humans as "political animals," suggesting that engaging in politics is essential for reaching our full potential. Politics arises wherever people come together to make collective decisions.

Studying Politics at Copleston provides students with insights into various topics, including voter behavior, constitutional history, the role of the media, and political ideologies like Conservatism, Liberalism, and Socialism. This subject encourages the development of critical thinking and analytical skills while fostering informed debate on contemporary political and social issues.

A solid understanding of politics can lead to diverse career opportunities in areas such as law, journalism, public policy, international relations, business, and charity work, amongst many more. 

Curriculum Maps

The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps:

Key stage 5 curriculum map

How will my child be assessed?


Assessment and Feedback Outline Approach


A formal written assessment in the form of an exam question will be set at least once per unit at the point that the teacher knows enough content has been covered in that unit to undertake such a task. These will receive extensive feedback on the assessment and in class. Model answers will be provided when the teacher feels it is necessary. Formal mock exams will also be undertaken as per the sixth form calendar. All essays and mock examination answers will be marked against exam board criteria. On-going assessment will be carried out in lesson in the form of recap quizzes and other activities that the students can assess themselves.


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