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Copleston High School

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Curriculum Maps

The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps:

Key stage 3 curriculum map

key stage 4 curriculum map

KEY STAGE 5 Curriculum Map

How will my child be assessed?


Assessment and Feedback Outline Approach


2 units are taught each term, 1 of these units has a formal summative assessment which receives detailed written feedback and is completed in the Formal Assessment Booklet.  Staff will also be expected to give formative feedback on 1 extended piece of writing per term, this may take the form of assessment practice prior to formal assessments or extended prose in response to a given question. Starter knowledge tests and end of unit tests will be peer and self-assessed with teacher guidance given.


At Key stage 4 GCSE Modules are divided into 3 Assessment points per unit equating to 6 assessment points over the course of the year (roughly one per half term) to be completed at the appropriate assessment point in the course. These will receive detailed feedback and require self-reflection and response from students. In addition, regular retrieval practice is undertaken to embed core knowledge as starter and plenary self and peer assessed tests. Larger knowledge tests are undertaken prior to formal assessments.


An assessment timeline is shared with the students, which includes monthly summative assessments which receive detailed written feedback, along with formal mock exams. Exam questions using marks schemes and model answers and recap quizzes are examples of where peer and self-assessment can be used. Coursework is marked in line with exam board guidance. This is included as one of the summative assessments in February of Year 13.


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