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Copleston High School

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Health and Social Care

Studying Health and Social Care at Copleston will provide students with the opportunity to develop their personal and professional skills through interactions with those that work or are supported within the health, social care and childcare sector. As well as developing their theoretical knowledge and understanding of a range of important areas in health and social care such as; equality and diversity, safeguarding, understanding mental health and learning disabilities. Health and Social care is a subject that can lead the way to a variety of future carers for students.

“A modern health and social care system has to be completely focussed on the needs of it’s users. ”


Curriculum Map

The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps: NB. This map is currently being updated. The previous map is included here for reference only. 

Key stage 5 curriculum map

How will my child be assessed?


Assessment and Feedback Outline Approach


An assessment timeline is shared with the students, which includes monthly summative assessments which receive detailed written feedback, along with formal mock exams. Exam questions using mark scheme and model answers and recap quizzes are examples of where peer and self-assessment will take place. Portfolio are marked in line with exam board guidance. Student will complete one portfolio in year 12 and two portfolios in year 13 which are included as their summative assessment at various points throughout the two years.


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