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The term “Geography” derives from two ancient Greek words: “geo” meaning Earth and “graphia” meaning describing or depicting. Studying Geography at Copleston will give students the opportunity to explore and describe many of the wonderful patterns, processes and landforms on our planet. It will also help students to understand and analyse some of the most important issues of our time, including how to deal with the climate change crisis. Geography is a well-respected and fascinating discipline which will open doors to many future carer pathways for students.

“The goal of Geography is nothing less than an understanding of the vast interacting system comprising all humanity and its natural environment on the surface of the Earth”


Curriculum Maps

The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps: Please note that our KS5 map is currently being updated but the old map is included for reference only.   

KS3 - YEAR 7

KS3 - Year 8

KS4 - Year 9

KS4 - Year 10

KS4 - YEAR 11

KS5 - Year 12

KS5 - YEAR 13

How will my child be assessed?


Assessment and Feedback Outline Approach


2 units are taught each term, 1 of these units has a formal summative assessment which receives detailed written feedback. Decision making exercises that require extended writing are incorporated into units, these are also identified for detailed written feedback. Recap quizzes, spelling tests and some homework projects are examples of where peer and self-assessment can be used.


Each topic delivered has an end of unit test which receives detailed written feedback. Mock exams in Year 10 and 11 also have detailed written feedback. In addition, key 9 mark questions are identified in lessons for detailed feedback. Recap quizzes, exam questions using mark schemes and model answers, and homework questions are all examples of where peer and self-assessment can be used.


An assessment timeline is shared with the students, which includes monthly summative assessments which receive detailed written feedback, along with formal mock exams. Some research tasks are also identified for detailed written feedback. Exam questions using marks schemes and model answers and recap quizzes are examples of where peer and self-assessment can be used. Coursework is marked in line with exam board guidance. This is included as one of the summative assessments in February of Year 13.


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