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Copleston High School

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We aim to give our students access to a broad and ambitious Modern Languages curriculum, which is rich in skills and knowledge. 

Our Modern Languages curriculum aims are: 

  • To foster a lifelong love for language learning. 
  • To deepen students’ understanding of the world and, in so doing, to cultivate a healthy interest in and respect for other languages and cultures. 
  • To provide a respectful environment where students work collaboratively. 
  • To help all students to develop the necessary skills and confidence to communicate in French and work towards becoming fluent and spontaneous speakers of the target language. 
  • To give students access to a structured framework so they are supported to develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. 
  • To assist students to become increasingly responsible for their own learning. 
  • To enable all students to reach their full academic potential. 
  • To raise awareness of the advantages of learning a language in all aspects of students’ lives .
  • To develop resilience, confidence, and independence in our students, so that they contribute positively to the life of the school, their local community and the wider world. 

Curriculum Maps

The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps:

Yr 7 curriculum map

yr 8 curriculum map

yr 9 curriculum map




yr 13 curriculum map

How will my child be assessed?


Assessment and Feedback Outline Approach


Students will follow the new Dynamo 1 course in Years 7-8 along with additional cultural topics. Each unit of work from Dynamo has a formal summative assessment. Listening, reading, writing and speaking skills will be assessed throughout the key stage.  Translation and extended writing tasks are incorporated into the different units, these are also identified for detailed written feedback. Spelling tests, grammar exercises and some reading and listening tasks are examples of where peer and self-assessment can be used.


Students follow the AQA Studio course book. Each topic delivered has an end of unit test which receives detailed written feedback. Mock exams in Year 10 and 11 also have detailed written feedback. Spelling tests for key vocabulary and core structures, reading and listening comprehensions, grammatical exercises, exam questions using mark schemes and model answers, and homework questions are all examples of where peer and self-assessment can be used.


Students follow the AQA French A level course. At the end of each module  summative assessments are set which receive detailed written feedback, along with formal mock exams. Students are given guidance and set individual targets connected with the Individual research project. Exam questions using marks schemes and model answers and grammatical exercises are examples of where peer and self-assessment can be used. Detailed written feedback is given on the paper 2 essay paper as well as any practice/mock speaking tests.


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