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Copleston High School

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As well as being a fundamental qualification to acquire, English is also a varied and interesting subject that students enjoy. At Copleston High School, students study a range of texts for English Literature, including poetry, drama and Victorian as well as modern texts. For English Language, we develop close reading and analytical skills and learn to write in a range of genres and for a variety of audiences and purposes. We value personal, independent reading and also promote speaking and listening skills.

Curriculum Maps

The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps:

Yr 7 curriculum map

yr 8 curriculum map

yr 9 curriculum map

yr 10 curriculum map

yr 11 curriculum map

Yr 12 Language

yr 12 literature

yr 13 language

yr 13 literature

Key Stage 3

The English curriculum in years 7 and 8 develops students’ skills and knowledge to access the GCSE courses they will study in Key Stage 4. Lessons build on students’ existing knowledge, developing reading and analytical skills by studying a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Writing skills are mastered through the rigorous teaching and self-awareness of technical accuracy. Years 7 and 8 are seen as the foundation to a continuous learning journey through to GCSE and, where appropriate, A Level study.

If you would like further information about the topics and themes being taught please contact: Dallaker@copleton.suffolk.sch.uk

Key Stage 4

Eduqas GCSE (9-1) in English Language and English Literature

Students study two courses across the three years. The English Language course focuses on developing the skills for two exam components. The reading aspect requires students to read and answer questions on twentieth-century fiction and nineteenth and twenty-first century non-fiction writing, developing their comparative skills for the final question on each paper. The writing tasks include narrative and transactional (purposeful) writing. For the English Literature specification, students will read and analyse ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare, ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens and ‘Blood Brothers’ by Willy Russell. They will also study and learn 18 poems from the Eduqas anthology. There will also be a spoken and listening assessment in year 10.

If you would like further information about the topics, themes or assessment for this course please contact:

HoD/ Year 11 coordinator : rpeirce@copleston.suffolk.sch.uk

Years 9 and 10: jbyrne@copleston.suffolk.sch.uk

Key Stage 5

OCR GCE A Level English Language H470

Analysis of unseen texts.
Language diversity according to region and gender.

Creative partisan piece responding to a topical issue.
Child language development from 0-7 years.
Language change over time from 1600 to present.

Non-examined assessment includes a language investigation and original writing.

English Language is assessed across two examined components and in the following way: 

Coursework (%)

Examination (%)



If you would like further information about the topics, themes or assessment for this course please contact: eslmoka@copleston.suffolk.sch.uk

OCR GCE A Level English Literature H472

Component 1:

  • ‘Twelfth Night’ by William Shakespeare;
  • ‘A Doll’s House’ by Henrik Ibsen;
  • Poetry of Christina Rossetti (40%)

Component 2:

  • ‘1984’ by George Orwell;
  • ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ by Margaret Atwood
  • and extracts from Dystopian Literature (40%)


Essay on the coursework texts

  • A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams,
  • the poetry of Sylvia Plath
  • and The Road by Cormac McCarthy (20%).

English Literature is assessed in the following way: 

Coursework (%)

Examination (%)



If you would like further information about the topics, themes or assessment for this course please contact: eslmoka@copleston.suffolk.sch.uk

Enrichment Opportunities for English

Where possible, students are taken to see a live theatre performance at least once during their time at Copleston and this may also include a visit to The Globe Theatre in London to see a Shakespeare play. Drama companies are sometimes invited in to perform and offer workshops to students. The department run intervention forms to support students with literacy. A debating club, which competes in local competitions, is run after school on Tuesday. Creative writing and poetry competitions are offered throughout the year.  Wider reading is encouraged and all Key Stage 3 students have fortnightly lessons in the library

Year 11 English teachers offers exams skills sessions on Mondays from 3.15-4.15

Please also see a link here to fantastic E-books https://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/account/Office365SSO

How will my child be assessed?


Assessment and Feedback Outline Approach


Two units are taught each term. Reading skills and extended writing are incorporated into units and live marked; there is also one per term that receives detailed written feedback. Recap quizzes, spelling tests and homework projects are examples of where peer and self-assessment can be used.


Each Language and Literature topic delivered has a half termly assessment response which receives detailed written feedback. Mock exams in Year 10 and 11 are cold marked and have detailed written feedback and exemplar materials provided to students. In addition, key 10 mark questions are live marked in lessons for immediate improvement.


Recap quizzes, exam questions using mark schemes, model answers and homework tasks are all examples of where peer and self-assessment can be used.


An assessment timeline is shared with the students, which includes monthly summative assessments that receive detailed written feedback, along with formal mock exams. Some research tasks are also identified for detailed written feedback. Exam questions using marks schemes and exemplars/model answers and recap quizzes are examples of where peer and self-assessment can be used. Coursework is marked in line with exam board guidance. This is included as one of the summative assessments in February of Year 13. 


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