DT: Product Design
Curriculum Maps
The topics we study are outlined in our curriculum maps:
How will my child be assessed?
Assessment and Feedback Outline Approach |
KS3 |
The students are in DT for sixth months at KS3.
Year 7
There are two assessed projects- bookend and photo frames. There is a formal test at the start of the sixth months to assess current understanding and again a summative assessment at the end of sixth months. The booklets are differentiated with extension tasks and include teacher assessment, peer assessment and self-assessment. Literacy is a part of the booklets along with translations if a class has an EAL student (ICT access required).
Year 8
There are three assessed projects- lever toy, box and card. The booklets are differentiated with extension tasks and include teacher assessment, peer assessment and self-assessment. Literacy is a part of the booklets along with translations if a class has an EAL student (ICT access required). Each project has a summative assessment.
Practical tasks are differentiated by level of difficulty. |
KS4 |
In Year 9 there are a range of skills-based projects support by booklets. The booklet contains peer, self and teacher assessment. There is one group project where students are assigned different tasks. Each project has a summative test.
Mock exams in Year 10 and 11 also have detailed written feedback. |
KS5 |
An assessment timeline is shared with the students.
Year 12 have a range of skills project (hammer and stool) and a design-based Graphics project. There are assessed.
Year 13 have a NEA to complete assessed within exam board guidelines. Along with formal mock exams students have an example questions, a revision book and a self-study booklet to work through. |