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Careers Information for Parents and Carers

We know that most discussions students have about their futures will take place at home. At Copleston we are committed to working with you to ensure that your child is able to make confident decisions about their GCSE options, at the end of Year 11 and on leaving our Sixth Form.

You will find a range of information about the different careers sectors as well as general advice and inspiration on our school website. This can be a great starting point for discussions at home.

All students are also encouraged to log in to www.unifrog.org to explore their options and future pathways. Unifrog provides a wealth of up-to-date information about subject choices, career options, higher education and the pathways you can take to get there.

You can view our full careers programme for 2024-5 here:


 Our Careers and Cake programme (more details below) is here:


Apprenticeships Resources for Parents and Guardians

The resources in these parent packs have been tailored for parents, guardians and carers to help them support young people in making informed career choices.

Resources for parents and guardians (apprenticeships.gov.uk)


Further information about choosing your child’s GCSE options can be found on our website:

KS4 Pathways Information

These websites may also be useful:

How to help your teen choose their school subjects: A checklist for parents

How can I help my child make their option choices


In the summer term of year 10, your child will take part in a week of work experience and will need to find an employer to host them. Approaching family, friends or local businesses is a good place to start.

Advice for parents and carers of young people on work experience

Work Experience: A Parent's Guide

The Work Experience section on our website explains how to record your placement on to Unifrog once you have found one.

Students will hear from a range of local further education colleges and providers to support them with their post-16 choices. Information about these options can be found on our website:

Post 16 options

These websites may also be useful:

Information for parents and carers about the opportunities for post-16 education and training

National Careers Service Choices at 16


Universities, employers and our alumni are invited into school to help us carry out a range of careers and enterprise activities for students. Students will find out about the range of options that are available, including university, higher apprenticeships, employment and volunteering.

Paths to Careers: A Parent's Guide

My Choices: Parent and Carer Guide

Labour Market Information

 LMI stands for Labour Market Information. It refers to any relevant information about the current state of the jobs market. It’s important to be aware of LMI as it may impact which career, training, skills or education you wish to take.

Please watch this short video to find out more.


 Discover Your Future LMI video - YouTube


 Careerometer is a useful tool which enables you to compare working hours, average wages and future employment prospects of job roles in the UK that you’re interested in pursuing. 


Careers provision

Throughout their time at Copleston, your child will take part in a range of inspiring careers events. These include employer talks, college and university talks and visits, guest speakers in assemblies, mentoring, employer workshops, employability day, school trips, work experience in year 10 and workplace visits. Please see our Careers Programme and Careers Calendar for details.

All students can sign up to hear from local employers at one of our Careers and Cake lunchtime employer talks. The timetable is available above and information about the visiting employers is sent out via ParentMail.

Students in years 7 – 9 take part in timetabled Careers PSHE lessons and all students up to year 10 complete careers focused activities during tutor time from within The Base programme. Sixth form students also benefit from careers focused activities in The Apex programme. 

All students in Year 11 and 13 are offered an individual careers interview with a qualified careers advisor. An appointment can be requested via the form tutor, or by contacting our IAG lead. 

We welcome the opportunity to speak to parents at our open events, pathways evenings and options evenings and encourage parents to get in touch if they have any questions about our careers provision, recent careers activities or the next steps for their child.  


For all IAG enquiries, please contact Danielle Waites via the school office or via e-mail: dwaites@copleston.suffolk.sch.uk.

We believe that with your support and our provision of high-quality careers information, advice and guidance, your child will be well equipped to make decisions about their future.

Please note: Copleston High School is not responsible for the content of external links.

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