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Business Information

Course Details and where to find the specification, course content and exam papers:

You are studying Edexcel Business GCSE.
The specification and course content can be found here:


What is the exam structure?

You will sit two exam papers.
Paper 1 focuses on the content of Unit 1
Paper 2 focuses on the content of Unit 2

Each paper follows the same structure:
Section A – 35 marks - no case study
Short answer and calculation questions
One 6-mark essay

Section B – 30 marks - case study 1
Short answer and calculation questions
2 x 6 mark essay
One 9-mark essay

Section C – 25 marks – case study 2
Short answer questions
One 9-mark essay
One 12-mark essay

You will need a calculator and 2 x black pens to both exams.

Online resources we subscribe to and recommend for studying and revision:

We have a subscription to SmartRevise: https://smartrevise.online/

On this platform you can test yourself on terms and definitions, take short retrieval quizzes and answer longer practice questions. It will give you an analytical break-down of which topics you have answered well in and which you need to revise better.

To log in use your school email address as the username. If you forget your password, use the ‘forgot your password?’ link. This will send you an email with instructions to change your password.

What other resources do we recommend to students?

Business As Usual YouTube channel provides excellent revision resources and exam preparation advice for GCSE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ge7hG78yswERt4SbZQWg

Tutor2U GCSE Business channel also has great revision videos for business topics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp8BSCLLWBUCYeHDKb2N2MVDar54Qparx

Two Teachers channel has great general business videos for content revision. Search ‘Two Teachers’ on YouTube

Quizlet is great for quizzing yourself on terms and definitions:  Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Flashcards | Quizlet

There is a lot of revision content on SharePoint for this subject:  4 - Course Resources for Students

 Past exam papers can be accessed on SharePoint here: 5 - Past Exam Papers

What does revision in this subject look like?

Knowledge of key terms, as well as knowing the advantages and disadvantages of key concepts is very important. Self-testing and quizzing for retrieval practice is perfect.

Draw a mind-map of each topic from memory and check it against the knowledge organisers. These can be found here: Knowledge Organisers

Application is also extremely important in the exams for sections B and C so past paper practice is highly recommended. You can access all past papers on SharePoint.

Use the mark schemes for the paper to check your answers – they give examples of what might be included in the answer. Once you have checked, improve your answers.

Are there any specific exam tips or strategies?

Section A
3-mark ‘explain’ questions: One point + two development points
6-mark ‘discuss’ essay: Two BLT (because, leading to, therefore) paragraphs.

Section B
6-mark ‘analyse’ essay: Two BLT paragraphs with at least three points from the case study.

Sections B and C
Two mark outline questions: One point + one development point + use of the case study.
9-mark ‘justify’ essay: Choose one option. Two BLT paragraphs (one for, one against) with at least three points from the case study + a conclusion which weighs up and uses the case study.

Section C
12-mark ‘evaluate’ essay: Two BLT paragraphs (points will depend on the question) with at least three points from the case study + a conclusion which answers the question, weighs up and uses the case study.

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