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Clubs and Extracurricular Activities Timetable

At Copleston, we have many clubs and lunchtime or after school activities for students to get involved in. We find that students who engage in interests outside the classroom often make better progress academically as they are able to build and transfer qualities and skills such as resilience, perseverance, dedication, time management, problem-solving etc. Students also build very positive relationships within these groups, through shared interests or experiences and the need to work together as a team, building friendships which last throughout their school career and beyond. 

Many of our clubs are open to students across all year groups, whereas others are aimed at a particular age range (e.g. sports clubs are often based on the age categories needed for local or national competitions). If students are unsure whether a particular club or group is for them, we would encourage them to speak to the members of staff running the club, either on the day or at a separate time. 

If students have interests not represented by these clubs, we encourage them to approach relevant staff with a view to setting up a group. This has been done very successfully in previous years, sometimes with the support of Sixth Form students. 

Please see below for our most recent clubs and extracurricular activities timetable. The list does change regularly, with clubs being added or removed depending on the level of interest, so students should speak to their form tutor or the department running the club for the most up to date information. 

Copleston Extra Curricular Activities Timetable 2024
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