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Copleston High School

Copleston High School's motto reflects the inclusive school ethos- 'Achieving Success Together'. 

We therefore: 

  1. Try to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect. 
  2. Make sure our school is a safe, secure and stimulating place for everyone.
  3.  Recognise that people have different needs and we understand that treating people equally does not always involve treating them all exactly the same. 
  4. Recognise that for some students, extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful. 
  5. Aim to make sure that no one experiences harassment, less favourable treatment or discrimination because of their age, any disability they may have, their ethnicity, colour or national origin, their gender, their gender identity or reassignment, being pregnant or recently had a baby, their religion or beliefs, their sexual identity and orientation.

As a school we have a huge responsibility to ensure that children of all backgrounds and races recognise the existence of intolerance. The curriculum we deliver and class discussions we have carefully attempt to do this at an age appropriate level. We are constantly evolving our curriculum as we better understand how to celebrate diversity. We aim to educate children so that they are able to make the small adjustments to their own actions which will erode, and ultimately remove, both negative thoughts and actions against others. We do not tolerate any form of negative behaviour towards others. We see that as a school we have a duty to lead on matters such as intolerance and we should not sit quietly.

Photos of people in a gallery, with 3 people seated and viewing the photos.

We regularly send home an equality and diversity newsletter to highlight key news stories for discussion at home and to summarise work we are doing in school. 

The Student Council has an explicit focus on Equality, Inclusivity and Diversity and will aim to research and present to all students across the school, updated information to help educate students on their perceptions. The PSHE curriculum will also be further developed to explore issues of equality and discrimination in more depth. We will also be examining what we teach in the classroom to adapt and reflect on how we deliver information about inclusivity. We also address all issues such as gender inequality, race, diversity, discrimination and prejudice through our form time programme and Copleston Culture in year 9 lessons. We work with local charities and community groups and listen to always further educate ourselves.  We listen to our students and have an LGBTQ+ student led group, run weekly by sixth formers. 

Our Equality Objectives for 2023/2024 are:

1. To narrow the attainment gap and improve outcomes for all students regardless of special educational need, disability, race, ethnicity, socio economic group, sexual orientation, religion, health or gender reassignment.

2. To continue to raise awareness and educate staff and students about equality and diversity through assembles, school materials and updates.

3. To develop our Student Voice and continue to incorporate a diversity agenda where issues are explored and when required, acted upon.

4. To continue to develop cultural capital knowledge through Home Learning and Supercurriculum documents (on Satchel). This will also involve developing diversity awareness further through our PSE programme and Copleston Culture in year 9.

The word diversity  written in Scrabble tiles          The word equality written in Scrabble tiles

We also have a Recommended Reading list

On race:

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

Girl, Woman Other - Bernadine Evaristo

The Colour Purple - Alice Walker (please note delicate topic  matter . 17+ only)

Queenie - Candice Carty-Williams (please note graphic descriptions 17+ only)

The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison

Lies We Tell Ourselves - Robin Talley

The Hate U Give - Angie Thomas

On physical disabilitymental health and SEND issues: 

Break the Mould: How to Take Your Place in the World - SHORTLISTED FOR THE AN POST IRISH BOOK AWARDS by Sinead Burke

A Curse So Dark and Lonely - The Cursebreaker Series by Brigid Kemmerer

The Asperger Teen's Toolkit by Frances Musgrave

Funny, You Don't Look Autistic: A Comedian's Guide to Life on the Spectrum by Micheal McCreary

Dyslexia: A Teenager's Guide by Sylvia Moody

The Opposite of Falling Apart by Micah Good

on sexuality and identity

The Shell House by Linda Newberry

Inheritance by Balli Kaur Jaswal

Boys Don't Cry by Malorie Blackman

Out by Joanna Kenrick

If you wish to choose more books then please see Diverse Voices reading suggestions


Website offering effective 'Ally' advice



🌈Kooth Supporting LGBTQi Young People ðŸŒˆ 

On Kooth there are lots of forum threads  and articles related to identity, gender and sexuality and regular live forums. Content is created by our professional team and by our amazing users - where young people are sharing their lived experiences and poetic expressions. YOUNG PEOPLE have to be logged into Kooth for the links to work - These links may be a helpful resource to send Young people directly to let them know you support them.

           Articles on Kooth

Coming out to Family and Friends                                                             

Coming out: Answers to some of the questions you may be asked      

Asexuality: When sex isn't for you                                                              

Being Gay and Muslim                                                                                   

History's Phenomenal Figures of LGBTQ+ (Part One)                               

History's Phenomenal Figures of LGBTQ+ (Part Two)                               

History's Phenomenal LGBTQ+ Figures (Part Three)                                 

History's Phenomenal LGBTQ+ Figures (Part Four)                                   

How to be a Straight Ally?           Kooth article      14+                               

Gender Dysphoria and You                                                      

Gender terms                                                                           

Coming Out Tips                                                                      

Coming out to family and friends                                             

Coming out: Answers to questions you may be askedKooth article      

Asexuality: When Sex Isn't For You Kooth article                                  

Accepting Your Sexuality Can Be Difficult Kooth article                        

Imaan - Support for LGBT Muslim PeopleKooth article                        

Ever had a same sex crush Kooth article