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Copleston High School

Much of our knowledge and ideas about the world we live in and the issues we face comes from outside of the classroom. To help broaden your child's (and even your own!) experiences and offer valuable insights into a variety of topics and areas, each subject has come up with a huge wealth of resources ranging from websites, webcam videos, Podcasts, suggestions for research and further reading and many other activities. Please encourage your child to love finding out more than they ever did and expand their horizons beyond the classroom. We hope you can also enjoy discovering even more about the world we live in.


Please click here for fantastic E-books

Chester Zoo virtual zoo -

Home learning with Royal Shakespeare Company -

Stonehenge virtual tour -

Buckingham Palace virtual tour -

Natural History museum tour -

Science museum tour and activities -  &

Louvre Virtual tours -

National Theatre at home -

Red Rose Chain film Friday -

Courtauld Gallery virtual tour -

Habit of Art online performances -

Dance East home dance classes -

BBC Culture in Quarantine -

University virtual open days -  The British Council offers a huge amount of cultural learning experiences and resources. 

For additional history, geography and Science resources and home reading and viewing see 

Fun simulations for maths and Science 

YouTube videos on a variety of subjects 

For increasing and developing your subject knowldge at home and providing some resources please click on:   



For Sixth Form Students

Click for a series of lectures on 6th form subjects  or see below to select one of your choice: 

2020-21 LECTURES:

A series called Cosmic Vision by Astronomy Professor Katherine Blundell, and another by Visiting Professor Roberto Trotta, The Unexpected Universe.

A series on The Psychology of Finance by Business Professor Alex Edmans; a series on Intergenerational Justice by Visiting Professor Martin Daunton.

A three part series on Great Thinkers by Visiting Professor Edith Hall.

The Powers of the Novel by Visiting Professor John Mullan, a one-off lecture on Offensive Shakespeare, a series on ‘classic’ film, Exploding the Film Canon by Visiting Professor Ian Christie.

Two short series about the environment, Our Connected World, and How to Build a Just and Prosperous Planet, by Professor Jacqueline McGlade.

A fascinating series on Evil Women in history by Professor Joanna Bourke; a series on England’s Reformations by Professor Alec Ryrie; a Black History Month series; a series about Darwin and his impact by Visiting Professor Jim Endersby and lots of one-off lectures.

Great Ideas From Computer Science by Professor Richard Harvey, which includes algorithms, data, programs and networks; a lecture on AI and Humour by Visiting Professor Yorick Wilks.

Death, the State and Human Rights by Professor Leslie Thomas QC will discuss police restraint and inquests into deaths in custody (Black Lives Matter); The Politics of the Courtroom by Visiting Professor Thomas Grant will weigh the balance between politicians and the courts.

Gresham Professor Sarah Hart will look at Mathematics in Music and Writing, Professor Kevin Buzzard will ask Will Computers Outsmart Mathematicians, Dr Kit Yates discusses The Maths of Life and Death.

Major Debates in Public Health by the Chief Medical Officer for England Professor Chris Whitty, and Performing Medicine by Visiting Professor Roger Kneebone includes a lecture on knife crime.

Russian Piano Masterpieces by Music Professor Marina Frolova-Walker; 100 years of BBC Radio by Visiting Professor Jeremy Summerly; Dr Xenia Pestova-Bennett will look at Toy and Cyborg Pianos.


We have also added Supercurriculum documents below which offer hundreds of activities that may appeal to you.