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Copleston High School

“There is no health without mental health.” (WHO)

Everyone has mental health, just as they have health. Health is not on an ON/OFF switch and everyone, throughout their daily life will face challenges with their mental health just as they will their physical health.

“Good mental health isn’t about feeling happy and confident 100% of time and ignoring any problems. It’s about living and coping well despite problems (Canadian Mental Health Association).”

At Copleston we can support our young people if things get tricky- however, developing a strong sense of wellbeing throughout a child's development from an early age will help increase resilience and bolster mental health for when additional demands and challenges will inevitable be faced.  

We aim to embed lots of what we know about wellbeing into our school ethos and daily functioning.  We base lots of what we do, and how we do it, on the most recent research from reliable sources including five ways to wellbeing, as endorsed by the NHS.

  1. Make connections
  2. Be active
  3. Learn new skills
  4. Give to others
  5. Be mindful )

The Anna Freud centre have produced more resources as part of their Rebuild and Recover resources package:

Dove are also offering a fantastic range of resources to help parents and students with self esteem. To find out more click here Dove self-esteem resources


  • Breakfast Club – please contact your Leader of Learning for information.
  • We also have a Well-being Consultant – she works 2 days a week and there is a formal referral system accessed through your Leader of Learning.
  • We have signed up for stopping ‘period poverty’ and female hygiene items are available from Leaders of Learning and the Attendance Office.
  • We also have a well-being carousel in reception in which there are information leaflets for many external providers.


  • Sleep – Sleep is vital to wellbeing. It is essential to process the activities and dispose of toxins built up over the day. Teens need between 8 and 10 hours every night.
  • Use of your phone/ tablet/ computer – Use of your phone has links with depression, anxiety and self-esteem issues. The exposure to a blue screen before going to sleep is known to disturb sleep cycles.
  • Fuelling your body – Eating a balanced diet and drinking sufficient amounts of water is crucial to the healthy physical function of your body
  • Kindess – You get back what you give out. Sometimes a tiny act of kindness can result in an improved state of mental health.


  • Young minds    A charity with a host of resources for young people and families offering mental health support.
  • MIND    We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. 
  • Huddl     Huddl provides a platform for parents and carers to access up-to-date professional advice and practical tools, so that we can help our children with the pressures of growing up.
  • Anna Freud Centre for families.  The overarching aim of our services is to build resilience and to help children, young people and families who are in distress.
  • The Source   Information, advice and support for young people in Suffolk. Get help with learning choices, finding work or training, health, relationships and more.
  • KOOTH   Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
  • For help and advice on social media see this guide on the Anna Freud website Social Media management

If after reading some of the information available from these sites, you feel your young person requires additional support please talk to your GP and or you can make a referral yourself to our local service provider for young people’s mental health via:

Suffolk Children and young people’s Emotional Wellbeing Suffolk Emotional Wellbeing
