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Copleston High School

COPLESTON High School Home Learning Policy

Why is homework set?

Homework is a valuable supplement to the learning experience of all students in the school.  It has a number of different purposes:

  • To develop independent learning skills e.g. thinking and researching
  • To prepare younger students for the demands of independent study and coursework higher up the school and beyond
  • To prepare for subsequent lessons/tests
  • To consolidate what is being learnt in lessons

Homework is most valuable when it is clearly linked to current or future learning (i.e. it is relevant).  Homework is an obligation and must be completed.

What kinds of tasks can I expect my child to be set?

There are many homework tasks that are valuable – the following are some possibilities:

  • Researching (extended projects set over a longer period of time or resource gathering in preparation for future lessons)
  • Learning (e.g. vocabulary, spellings, facts)
  • Memory for learning tasks such as preparing for a mini quiz or learning knowledge from a knowledge organiser 
  • Extension tasks that deepen the learning in the lesson (set for more able students)
  • Writing assignments/drafting
  • Reading
  • Practising (e.g. presentations/newly acquired skills/examination questions)
  • Projects to supplement the learning (completed over a number of weeks)

We try to set a variety of different types and styles of task because students learn in a variety of different ways, and they find variety more interesting and motivating.  Students may also be provided with a Super Curriculum document in each subject which will also suggest further, optional research, reading and viewing activities to help build on their cultural capital and general knowledge and these can also be done at home.
If a set homework task requires students to use ICT to complete it, and they do not have access to a computer at home, they are encouraged to take advantage of the use of the school’s ICT facilities at lunch time or after school.

How much, and how often will homework be set?

It is impossible to specify the exact amount and frequency of the homework that will be set as teachers need to be flexible in responding to the needs of their classes.  In addition, the amount of homework set depends upon the age of the student.

  • At KS3 it is reasonable to expect students to spend 20-30 minutes on each homework task, and that homework will be set every three to four lessons of subject time.
  • At KS4 students should expect homework tasks lasting 30-45 minutes every week in each subject.
  • At KS5 students should expect homework tasks of at least three hours per subject per week, but they are also expected to supplement work in lessons and for home learning with self-directed study (e.g. background research and reading around the subject).  This work may be done at home or during the student’s non-contact lessons. 

How is homework set?

.Homework is set via Satchel One. We encourage teachers to structure homework that develops students' memory and recall tasks, preparation for a mini test or assessment and quizzes will be set. 

Satchel One is an app based solution for all students that parents and teachers can access.  Teachers set tasks on Satchel and students can either access these via a PC login, or by downloading the app to their phones.  Students can access the task, resources and due date easily and quickly, and also receive a notification when a task is set, but also the day before it is due in, which helps them manage their workload.  Parents also have a login so they can keep track of the homework of their children, and help them to develop the independent study skills that are so important. Satchel One also comes with built in support for all users, so problems with using the system can be addressed very quickly.

Copleston has introduced a new homework policy to go with this which is based around three strands: Recall and Organise, Practice and Extend.  Homework will be set around these strands across all year groups to develop deeper knowledge and understanding.   For more details, and for the amount of homework you should expect your child to receive, please see the homework policy in the policies section. You can also view the home learning platform here

Any questions on home learning can be addressed to your child's Leader of Learning or to

How can I help at home?

Parents are asked to check Satchel (using the app) regularly and to encourage their children to complete homework tasks.  If homework cannot be completed for a good reason, we ask that parents make a note in the school diary explaining to the teacher what has happened.

If homework has not been completed, sanctions (e.g. detention) may be given.  


The documents below are the documents referred to during COVID. If we experience a national lockdown scenario, these documents may be used. We have left them here for reference. 

Remote learning may be set for a variety of reasons- long term absence due to sickness, for example. Any online work will be closely aligned to our main school curriculum and the vast majority of work will be set via Satchel. If you have any questions, please contact your child's Leader of Learning in the first instance.