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Copleston High School


Motivation: Over 200 parents joined the live Maximize webinar for parents on 25 February to hear how they could best support their child's education.  

It was a multimedia presentation with video, live polls and chatbox, and was delivered by Jeremy Dry and Jasper Ward who had worked with Year 7 just before half-term, and Year 11 and Year 13 the day before.

Areas that were covered included:

  • How to maintain your child' motivation
  • Building resilience and coping with failure
  • Evidence-based revision strategies
  • Importance of independent learning
  • Planning, prioritising and organisation
  • Coping with stress and anxiety

During the webinar, parents took part in several polls.  Their top three areas of interest were maintaining their child's motivation (37%), effective study and revision strategies (22%), and stress / anxiety (23%)..

Presenter, Jeremy Dry, said that the team was really taken aback by the volume of interaction in the chatbox, and in the Q & A, as well. It was evident that parents were enjoying being able to interact and share experiences and advice in the chatbox, and questions ranged from guidance on support for dyslexic students, managing screen time, and how to encourage a child to work independently.

Reading Project with local charity 'Let's Talk Reading'. Copleston was approached by a representative from the charity based in Ipswich wanting to donate books to local families who may be finding it difficult to access books during lockdown with libraries being closed. We delivered book bags for all to enjoy to approximately 50 families who were really pleased on receiving them. One mum said: 


Thank you so much for the books, I thought they would just be for my daughter, so was really excited when they arrived and they were for all the family to enjoy!  We all love reading it’s our escape and has become more important over the last year.  As we have just been at work or at home, it’s nice for our minds to be somewhere else.  It was so lovely to get some books especially as the libraries are not as accessible at the moment, we enjoy touching and looking at books, so online reading is not the same.  Thanks again these books have mainly already been read, and they are now in a pile to pass on to family and friends when allowed for them to enjoy."